Wild horse and burro program: MUST NOT KILL THEM!!!

By isak, December 2, 2009

Assault Planned on Last Stronghold of Wild Horse Herds –
2,500 Wild Horses to be Rounded Up in Dead of Winter

Demand a Stop to the Calico Removals!

Please copy the following letter and email it to the same addressees!

To: Ramona_DeLorme@blm.gov
Cc: Monika Court tcourt5096@aol.com, Equindeliverance@aol.com, bkwarner@windstream.net, Elysesings@comcast.net

Subject: Wild horse and burro program: MUST NOT KILL THEM!!!

TO: Bureau of Land Management, National Wild Horse and Burro Program, WO-260,
Attention: Ramona DeLorme
340 Financial Boulevard
Reno, Nevada, 89502-7147 USA

I regret that I cannot attend the RENO ADVISORY BOARD MEETING next Monday, December 7, to be able to stand up and help save our American wild horses. However, I am strongly opposed to the BLM (Bureau of Land Management)’s planned roundup in the Calico Mountain wild horse range of 2,400 to 2,700 horses in the dead of Nevada’s winter.

I feel it is nothing less than immoral to chase down and kill these peaceable, freedom loving beauties in mountainous, rocky terrain, with cliffs and gullies and foxholes. The terrorized horses are sure to suffer terrible injuries and die. Soaked, sweating horses in freezing temperatures — which they will most definitely be after being run to capture — will be at serious risk for respiratory vulnerabilities and pneumonia.

I firmly support Craig Downer’s lawsuit in conjunction with In Defense of Animals to stop this carnage.

This Calico Mountain herd is one of the last remaining large herds of horses. It is deplorable that your agency has brought almost all remaining herds down to below viable numbers, meaning inbreeding and normal die-off can e n d the horses’ legacy in their respective herd areas. It is unconscionable that BLM has set up these beautiful animals, unique to North America, for extinction.

PLEASE understand that the majority of Americans and Canadians – if they were informed about it – would oppose this terrible deed just as vehemently as this American woman does.

Ask yourself: could you in good conscience explain this terrible plan to a child?

Please stop this terror from happening. On behalf of the wild horses and burros, I thank you with all my heart.


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