Lighting candles

By isak, April 9, 2010


“Yes dear, someone’s turned the light out,

put the pieces out of touch.

Do we now try lighting candles?

Does it really matter quite that much?”

– author unknown

These are the words from a poem I read in high school. I can still remember them clearly thirty-some years later because I added music to them. Throughout high school and college, I played a LOT of guitar. But it’s not like Kevin and I got (m)any requests to play this “song” — it’s just four lines long. Maybe the shortest song in song history?

But I have never forgotten the words.

The poem comes to me in moments where a big decision needs to be made as a way for me to check my reasons for my decision. “Does it really matter quite that much?”

Francesca has likely never heard this poem… and definitely would have never considered that last line when Brindi was seized. Rather she immediately started lighting candles… everywhere she could. And over time, those candles have spread around the world creating an amazing lightfulness of support.

From those far-flung candles come letters and emails and phone calls. They offer support and sustained hope; they put forth wisdoms and tears and wonderful stories. By their light, she is better able to see her way.


They are the stuff that makes the darker days easier when the winds in Halifax blow down Francesca’s own flame.

So here on this Friday afternoon, I send out a “thank you” to all the wonderful people EVERYWHERE who have stayed the course with Francesca and Brindi on this incredible journey.

You are an astonishing lot!

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Francesca makes her pre-sentencing statement before the judge on April 16, 2010.

Please call and/or email the contacts below. Do it often and do it regularly.,

Ask them to let Francesca visit Brindi. And ask them to negotiate a resolution to this craziness so Brindi can go home to Francesca.


Mayor – Pete Kelly,

Phone: 902-490-4010Head of Legal – Mary Ellen Donovan

Phone: 902-490-4232


Chief Administrative Officer – Dan English

englisd@halifax.caSuperintendent – Bill Moore

Ciao, Holly