Human Medicines that Work for Pets… or Not
By isak, June 4, 2009
Several human medicines are effective for cats and dogs. The dosages are, of course, lower because the pets are smaller. It’s always a good idea to call your vet before giving your pet any type of human medicine to be sure it is safe and will work for your pet’s condition. Be sure you tell your vet of any other medications your pet is taking at the time in case there could be interactions.
(Also see “10 Poison Pills for Pets” for meds to NOT give your pet.)
- A&D Ointment — Antibacterial ointment for scrapes and wounds.
Dogs & Cats: Apply thin coating 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days.
- Anbesol — Topical anesthetic for mouth pain.
Dogs: Dab on liquid with cotton swab once or twice a day for up to 2 days.
Cats: Do not use more than one time.
- Anti-bacterial soap
Can be used to clean any wound or injury.
- Aspirin — Pain & inflammation relief
Dogs: Can be given short term to dog. Buffered Aspirin (Bufferin) is easier on the stomach but regular (non-coated) aspirin can also be used. Aspirin may be given once or twice a day with food. Less than 10 lbs: 1/2 baby aspirin; 10-30 lbs: 1 baby aspirin; 30-50 lbs: 1/2 regular aspirin; 50-100 lbs: 1 regular aspirin; over 100 lbs: 2 regular aspirin.
Cats: NEVER!
- Aveeno Oatmeal Medicated Bath — For soothing itchy skin.
Dogs & Cats: Use as bath rinse as often as 3 times a week.
- Benadryl — Antihistamine.
Dogs: 1 mg per lb twice a day.
Cats: Safe to use, but not very effective in cats, and other antihistamines are more commonly prescribed.
- Betadine Skin Cleanser — Antiseptic liquid soap for cleansing on or around wounds.
Dogs & Cats: Use full strength to wash affected area.
- Betadine Solution — Antiseptic solution for flushing or soaking injured area.
Dogs & Cats: Dilute with distilled water to the color of weak tea, then apply.
- Bufferin — Pain reliever.
Dogs: 10-25 mg per 2.2 lb two or three times a day.
- Burow’s Solution — Topical antiseptic.
Dogs & Cats: Moisten cotton ball and apply to wound.
- Caladryl — Soothing topical lotion for pain and itching.
Dogs & Cats: Caladryl (calamine) lotion is not recommended as it can actually be toxic to dogs. The most toxic component is zinc oxide. Zinc can cause stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhea. However, this usually is only a problem if the lotion was eaten. Repeated ingestion of zinc oxide can cause serious problems
- Cortaid — Anti-itch cream.
Dogs & Cats: Apply once or twice daily as needed.
- Dramamine — For car sickness, nausea.
Dogs: 2-4mg per lb 3 times a day.
Cats: 1/4 of 50-mg Tablet (12.5 mg) once a day.
- Dulcolax — For constipation.
Dogs: 5- to 20-mg tablet once a day or 1/2 to 2 pediatric suppositories (10 mg) once a day.
Cats: 5-mg tablet once a day or 1/2 pediatric suppository once a day.
- Epsom Salts — Soothing soak for irritated, itchy skin.
Dogs: 1 cup per gal of water, then soak affected area.
Cats: 1 cup per 2 gal of water, then soak affected area.
- Gas-X (Simethicone) — for gas
Dogs: small: 1/4 adult dose; medium: 1/2 adult dose; large: 1 adult dose.
Cats: 1/4 adult dose.
- Hydrocortisone — Relieves itchy, raw or irritated skin.
Dogs & Cats: can be used topically to reduce itching from hives, hot spots, and insect bites and stings. Apply a small amount up to two times daily.
- Hypo Tears — Eye lubricant.
Dogs & Cats: Apply 4-12 times a day.
- Iodine — Topical antiseptic.
Dogs & Cats: Paint on wound.
- Imodium (loperamide) — For diarrhea.
Can be given to some dogs and cats for diarrhea. WARNING: Certain dog breeds related to Collies may have adverse reactions to Imodium (loperamide). Do not give this medicine to Collies, Shelties, Australian Shephards and Long-haired Whippits. See this site for more detailed information.
- Ipecac Syrup — Emetic to promote vomiting.
Dogs: 1 tsp per 20 lb, up to 3 tsp.
- Kaopectate — For diarrhea.
Dogs: 1/2 – 1 tsp per 5 lb, to a maximum of 2 Tbsp every 8 hours.
Cats: Not recommended for cats since the formula was changed as they contain an aspirin derivative that is toxic to cats in high doses.
- Lanacane — Topical anesthetic.
Dogs: Apply to sore area with gauze pad.
- Massengill Disposable Douche — Odor neutralizer for skunk spray, body odor.
Dogs & Cats: Mix 2 oz per gal of water, use as a soak for 15 min, then bath as usual.
- Metamucil (unflavored) — For constipation.
Dogs: 1 tsp per 10-25 lb, mixed in food.
Cats: 1/2 tsp (small cat) to 1 tsp (large cat), mixed in food.
- Mylanta Liquid — For digestive upset, gas.
Dogs: 15 lbs or less — 3 Tbsp; 16-50 lbs — 4 Tbsp; 51 lb or more — 6 Tbsp.
- Neosporin — For preventing wound infection.
Dogs & Cats: Apply 3-5 times daily as needed.
- Pedialyte — For dehydration.
Dogs & Cats: Mix 50/50 with water, offer as much as dog or cat wants.
- Pepcid AC/Tagamet/Zantac — For vomiting.
Dogs: 5 mg per 10 lb once or twice a day.
Cats: 2.5mg or 1/4 of a 10mg tablet ONCE a day
- Pepto-Bismol — For diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, vomiting.
Dogs: 0.5 ml per lb or 1/2-1 tsp per 5 lb, to a maximum of 30 ml or 2 Tbsp up to 3 times per day, or 1 tablet per 15 lb up to 3 times per day.
- Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia — For constipation.
Dogs: 2-4 tsp per 5 lb every 6 hours.
Cats: 1/2-1 tsp once a day.
- Preparation H — For sore anal area.
Dogs: Apply up to 4 times daily.
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough Formula — Cough suppressant.
Dogs & Cats: Ask your vet.
- Solarcaine — Topical pain reliever and anesthetic.
Dogs: Apply to sore area once or twice a day for up to 2 days.
- Tylenol — Pain reliever.
Dogs & Cats: DO NOT USE. Cats are extremely sensitive to acetaminophen, and the liver and kidney function of dogs can be severely damaged.
- Vicks VapoRub — For congestion.
Dogs & Cats: Smear a small amount on your pet’s chin for easier breathing.
- Witch Hazel — Astringent/topical antiseptic.
Dogs & Cats: Dab on affected area.
see also Antibiotics for Dogs
From a reader: I have a pit-bull. I found out that she was crazy allergic to chicken and also struggles with bacteria issues that make her itch.The vet suggested we try Malaseb medicated shampoo. It has been a life saver! It neutralizes the bacteria that causes the itchy belly/paws. She is so much happier now. I highly recommend it and you can get it several places online.
From another reader: Destin contains zinc oxide. When ingested, minor toxicosis results. With repeated exposure to zinc oxide on the skin, pets can develop zinc toxicity, which can damage the red blood cells. You can read more here.
The First Aid Companion for Dogs & CatsWalker Valley Vet
Help! I’m a senior with two 5 year old sister Shitzu rescue’s got them as pups, around 3 years old they were diagnosed with environmental allergies, my vet Prescribed Apoquel. I am now a widow lost the love of my life of 40 years in 2020 also lost more than half the income and struggling to keep my fur babies Medicated so they don’t itch 24-7, the medication is ridiculously expensive! Is there an alternative treatment please advise I would be so grateful for any help! Thank you, Pat, BB & Yoko
Hey Pat. Is there an alternative to Apoquel for dogs on the market with a cheaper price tag? The short answer is no, as this article explains. The patent on the drug does not expire until 2026, so we won’t be seeing any generic Apoquel alternatives in the immediate future.
There are also no drug Apoquel alternatives for dogs that are effective and safe. In fact, the other drugs used for this condition carry similarly disturbing side effects. Drugs like Apoquel often create dependence. While you can take them off the drug at any time, you should expect them to go through a period of withdrawal. Their old symptoms will likely return.
• First, ask your vet for suggestions because your vet knows their history. But do your research before you commit to a new route.
• From this article:
• Here is a good article about Apoquel and it’s affects on your pups. About halfway down the page, they discuss alternatives. Their recommendation is to:
Get The Itch Under Control
Before you jump into alternatives, there are a few things you should do first.
1 – Feed a rotating diet
Ideally, feed novel proteins. A novel protein is a protein that your dog has never had before. One great novel protein to try is rabbit.
2 – Get an air purifier for your home
Removing allergens from the air will reduce the number of allergen stressors.
3 – Test Vitamin D3 levels
75% of dogs fed commercial food are D3 deficient. Vitamin D levels are very important when it comes to allergies.
4 – Nip the itch in the bud
Use a topical product that works to calm the source of the itch and inflammation. Dogs have ten times more mast cells on their skin than people do. So it’s no surprise they’re constantly scratching …
But scratching increases the intensity of the itching … because it activates more mast cells. When your mother told you that the more you scratched that mosquito bite, the more it would itch … she was spot on!
If you can nip the first itchy spot in the bud, you’re way ahead of the game. Itching begets scratching and if we can handle the first set of itches we may win the battle.
• Another good article with tips: Allergy Relief For Dogs: DIY Remedies That WORK
That should give you a start.
My cat somehow has a lot of urine stains and poop sometimes makes her butt raw. I keep the area shaved and wash with antibacterial soap. She’s been to multiple vets and they cannot figure it out. She’s been on a probiotic daily for almost 3 months now and her stools are relatively hard unless she’s stressed. But her butt area stays irritated. I’ve tried neosporin and everything I can think of. Do you have any suggestions to help? I’ve noticed when she’s in the litter box she doesn’t really lift her tail. And sometimes when it gets really irritated she will poop on my bed or in the floor. I’ve been dealing with this on and off for 5 years and she’s almost 8 it all started after I got her fixed.
Does she lick constantly or just occasionally? Is she a long-haired cat?
Sounds like this is a self-evolving issue: she licks her butt for some reason which may make it sore, so now she licks it because it’s sore? I’m guessing that the vets have ruled out any problem with her anal sacs and any uti? Is it possible that the antibacterial soap is drying her butt out too much? Are you shaving her butt or trimming it with scissors? If shaving, does she maybe have a bit of razor burn?
Have you tried just a wee bit of vaseline on her butt? Just a bit may be almost unnoticeable to her so she won’t feel the need to lick it off, but provide her with some relief. Maybe spread her cheeks a bit so you can get a more into the general opening of her anus.
How about her food? Has it changed through all this? If not, maybe it’s an allergy to the food. Or maybe you can supplement her current food with some extra omega 3. There are liquids and powders that can be added to her food.
Is she sensitive around her tail when you touch it?
Has she been wormed for intestinal parasites?
Sorry, just trying to hit as many bases as I can.
My cat has scabs around his neck and a lump on one side. Like on the bottom of his cheek. Is it safe to use “clear anti-itch lotion, external analgesic skin protectant” its family dollar brand which is called “family wellness.” Active ingredients pramoxine 1%, zinc acetate 0.1%. I have already rubbed it on his neck and he keeps trying to lick his self so no doubt he licked some. Now I’m worrying myself to death. I rubbed it on both sides but his fur was wet from it. Will this be okay???? I’m so worried.
Cats tend to clean with their paws, then lick their paws, so you have to be careful what you apply to them. If you apply a cream or lotion, be sure to part their hair and apply only a small amount to the skin where the problem is. Sometimes the best thing is to soak a cloth in a warm salt water solution (2 teaspoons of table salt per cup of warm water), then wash the injury with the cloth. Salt has natural anti-bacterial properties. Even a wash with antiseptic soap and water will help. If the label says to not ingest it, it is probably best to avoid using it on a cat or dog if they can lick it off.
Keep an eye on the lump. If it is infected, try to open it up with a warm water compress. Again the warm salt water solution would be good. The salt will also help to dry it out.
Desitin contains Zinc which is poisonous to ingest. Please remove it from this list. Someone’s pet could get hurt.
Thanks for the heads up. We have amended the entry to note zinc oxide toxicity.
I have a 3 year old pug, he is constantly itchy all over. When I pet him his leg starts shaking and he drops to the floor for me to scratch him. He scratches the top of his head and makes it drip blood. I’ve tried using oatmeal, I’ve covered his feet, I’ve tried everything I can find and nothing helps. He’s on apoquel and eating grain free food (per vet recommendation) please help me.
Has your vet determined a cause? I have a dog that will itch like crazy if a flea walks past him. He is overly sensitive.
Have you tried anything topical like coconut oil? Here are a couple articles about coconut oil:
https://sitstay.com/blogs/good-dog-blog/coconut-oil-for-dogs | https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/coconut-oil-dogs-understanding-benefits-and-risks
Wow! I’m so happily blown away by this. I have 2 rescued cats here of my own. One with a sore butt from worms. Tried taking her to the vet yesterday and they were on lunch hour. Had to bring her home. On the way back she panicked, began panting heavy in the pet taxi. It scared me. She then turned around and took the most monsterous poop you can imagine. We opened sun roof and windows. That not being enough she stood in it, turned again, pooped more and payed down in it while wiggling. She covered herself in it. She was so good on the ride there. Even walked into the pet taxi. See, it was too easy. The vet didn’t post lunch on line. The closed at one thirty and we arrived at one thirty four. Our luck has never been good. That awful incident is burned into my brain for all eternity and the poor cat still isn’t completely clean. Her little butt is dark pink sore but I think we’ll deworm at home. Thanks for letting me rant. I needed that. Lol
So the lesson to learn here, I guess, is that if your cat needs to poop, but won’t, take the cat for an extended car ride… eh? Yes, the things our little furry friends put us through.
I found a kitten 10 days ago apparently abandoned my the mother. She appeared to be about 5-6 weeks old, was extremely thin, had strait diarrhea with a very swollen anal area, and one eye had a white film over it. I took it directly from my work (where I found it) to a vets office. The gave the kitty a dewormer, treatment for ear mites and eye drops. This was s Monday. She said she could continue to have loose bowels for a couple of days due to the dewormer. By Friday, I took her back for a recheck. She was eating well, putting on weight and the loose bowels switched from being liquid to much firmer, howevever she’s having trouble getting the stool out. Her bottom was still quite swollen and red and irritated. The vet gave me an antibiotic which I’ve been giving her twice a day, but the bottom isn’t improving. I was wondering if a little A&D would help? Or would it be poison for her if she licked it off. She’s licking the area a lot because of the irritation. I will take her back to the vet, but just wanted a second opinion. Any thoughts on how to help her?
Congrats on your rescue! Good on you to help this wee one.
Given her young age, I would not use the A&D, especially since she is licking that area. There is obviously something going on with her bum. If her anal sacs are infected, the antibiotics should be addressing that. Perhaps they are working but her constant licking makes that hard to tell? The firmer bowels should also help express the glands as they put more pressure on them.
She may need something like an ecollar so she cannot reach her butt to lick. People have made them out of tube socks stuffed with a variety of things including plastic bags. Some people have fashioned them out of paper plates. You can google something like “kitten ecollar alternatives” and look at the images for ideas or even purchase one at a pet supply store. Some people put the collar on backwards so the cone is directed towards the back of the cat instead of forward over their head. This works, too, and doesn’t affect their line of sight.
Someone threw a kitten out and I have taken her in. Her anus is swollen a little and there was dried blood around it when I cleaned her up. Is there anything I can use on her to relieve any pain or irritation she may be experiencing.
Good on you for taking her in! Have you seen any more blood in the area since you cleaned her up? Does she seem to lick or scratch the area (by scooting her butt on the ground) as an indication that it still bothers her? Any other signs of injury in the area? There are several possibilities as to the cause and without knowing which it is, it is difficult to suggest a course of action.
Does she eat and drink normally? Does she have a good appetite? Is she going to the bathroom okay — pee and poop?
If she is still bothered by her butt and/or is still swollen, you might try holding a warm compress of salt water — 2 teaspoons of table salt per cup of warm water — 2-3 times a day for a couple days. Salt has natural anti-bacterial properties. Combined with the warm of the salt water, it may relieve the swelling. If you do not see an improvement or you notice that she is unable to poop because of this swelling or she continues to have blood on her butt, you should have a vet look at her. If she is quite young, you do not want to give her medications she may not need unless guided by a vet who can prescribe the proper dosage.
I have a 10 month old dog, she has been licking obsessively at her anus, she has had anal glands cleared, been wormed but still licking under her tail is now very raw, what could I use to ease it for her
There are a couple things you can try. With it being raw, something like Neosporin will help. You needn’t apply much. There is a version of it that includes a pain reliever — that may help.
Also you can try a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water. Vinegar generally relieves itchiness and she may not like the flavor/smell of it so she may not try to lick the area.
You might also consider adding probiotics (like acidophilus) and/or digestive enzymes to her food.
Does she by any chance have an anal gland infection that is causing her to itch? It will be important to determine the source of the itching.
My Jindu had what I that was a tiny cut on his hip. He started licking it, I thought that would help heal it. But now he has licked of all the hair around in a 2″ area and it also licked raw. Is there something I can spray on it to num and heal?
Spray the area (or wipe them with a towel soaked in the liquid) with a salt water mix — 2 teaspoons of table salt per cup of warm water — 2-3 times a day. Salt has natural anti-bacterial properties.
Hi ! I have a 1 year old rescue lab mix named tucker. He’s recently developed missing patches of hair on his front and hind legs, mostly around joints and small red pimple looking bumps as well as patches of flaky scabs that almost resemble large dandruff flakes. Any idea what could cause those? He’s on a gastroenteric vet diet food for his IBS issues as well.
Love the name Tucker.
Is this biting new (as in it could be seasonal) or has this been occurring since you brought Tucker home? Is he biting those areas where the hair is missing? Are the flaky scabs/dandruff flakes in those same areas or elsewhere?
WIthout *seeing* him, three thoughts come to mind:
Maybe he needs a bit of fish oil in his food to nourish his skin. There are gel capsules on the market that you can mix into his food.
Is he on flea meds? If his hair is missing from his chewing, it could be flea related. Some dogs are super sensitive to fleas.
Could he have an allergy that is associated with his bed? If he has a regular place he sleeps and it has doggy blankets on it, could it be an allergy to what his bedding is washed in?
For the pimply bumps, you might spray them (or wipe them with a towel soaked in the liquid) with a salt water mix — 2 teaspoons of table salt per cup of warm water — 2-3 times a day. Salt has natural anti-bacterial properties.
this webpage is a lifesaver, my dog has a small wound and learning that both a&d ointment and Neosporin are both safe to use is a true blessing 🙂
Don’t underestimate salt water either. It’s a natural anti-bacterial, so it’s quite safe to use where a pet may lick.
My terrier mix (pit bull) has a very dry rash on the inside of her rear legs. She licks it alot. I can tell its very uncomfortable for her. She even sits differently. With her worse leg out. Do you have any suggestions? She is on a grain free dog food and the first ingredient is beef.
Because she will likely lick off anything you apply there, you might try mixing 1:1 parts apple cider vinegar and water, then mist as needed for relief. There is also a product call Septiderm. It’s a lotion you apply and she may not like the smell/taste of it.
The other alternatives, if possible, are applying something like Neosporin to the area and covering it or using an e-collar for a couple days (even if only overnight).
You can even try giving her Benadryl to lessen the itching which will hopefully in turn give the rash time to heal.
You do need to determine the source of the itching though. Did she get a bug bite that is bothering her or is there a wound she is obsessing about?
Funny you say that! I just added a PattFlora packet to her food with a shot of chamomile tea. Her food has been dry, same ingredients but different brands. Unfortunately, not knowing which to get, It’s time to get more. We’ve only had her three months I have to tell you this whole food thing is something I’ve never had to worry about over 40 years with dogs. I can’t even give treats because I haven’t figured out what flares her up. Good thing we’re up to a challenge. More importantly good thing she is worth it. Thank you so much for taking the time to try to help me figure it out. ?
I have some very picky eaters — cats and dogs both. And I also have 3 dogs who will eat ANYTHING! I certainly appreciate those 3. 🙂
Good luck and let us know how things go.
Thank you for your help! The vet had her on apaquel for allergies and told us to feed her grain free limited ingredient food. Her spots are getting worse so I feel like it’s the wrong food I feel so bad for her and not being able figure out the problem. The minty omegas came from prior owners I thought the fish oil would help. I don’t think I’ve changed cleaners or anything in our home environment. I’ve made another appointment with our vet but I think she’s going to recommend the Apaquel again. It worked but I’ve read terrible things about it. To me it just covers up the problem instead of figuring out the cause.
I agree that Apaquel treats the symptoms and not the problem. Any diet change is going to take time before you will see results. Is the new food wet or dry? Dry food seems sometimes to cause more problems than it helps with some dogs. By its nature, it absorbs more liquids in the digestive tract than a moist food. If you are feeding dry, check to see if there is a canned version. If so perhaps you can moisten the dry food with some water and add some canned on top. Or switch to canned only.
Have you tried probiotics? They add good bacteria to the gut which can improve overall health and maybe that would help offset her reaction. You might look at immune-boosting supplements as well (the opposite of Apaquel).
My English Bulldog is going bonkers. From tail pocket to dry patches to shedding faster than her hair grows. I’m trying grain free salmon/sweet potato good, A&D ointment, oatmeal baths and anti fungal mousse. Also trying to make her swallow these omega3 horse pills with peppermint oil:-( she really doesn’t like them. I don’t blame her. The vet keeps recommending pills. They did work but then she seemed wound up/aggressive. She’s very sweet otherwise. Any “natural” remedies would be a great comfort and much appreciated.
Peppermint — horses love it, but not so much dogs. You said they were working, but they seemed to change her temperament. I have heard of stomach upset, but not temperament change from fish oil? Was it at all times or when you were giving the pills? Have you tried omega3 WITHOUT peppermint? Does your vet suspect a food allergy? Could it be an environmental allergy — maybe something you use to clean the house or wash her bedding.
Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to get a thought about what is bothering her. If this is a new thing for her, is there a change in your household that started it?
There is a product called Septiderm-V which comes as a shampoo and a lotion that works very well to relieve hot spots, flea bites, dermatitis, rashes and skin allergies. I even like the smell of it. It will not fix the root cause of your problem, but it may provide relief for the outside of her and hopefully the new food will do the rest.
Thank you so much for your prompt response! I’m going to look and order it today. This is a fantastic site and I can’t wait to share it!
Hi I have a 10 year old male boxer that has ear problems. I can’t remember the name of the condition but it looks like cauliflower. He chews his paws and I understand that this is an allergy of some type so I do give him Benadryl for his allergies. However I can’t stop him from scratching his ears. I’m currently disabled and don’t have the money for a vet visit if I can find something that I can do at home. I’ve tried diluting an antibacterial pet shampoo and sprayed it in his ears and then cleaned it out with tempted water. Is there anything else you can suggest? He is the light of my life and it breaks my heart to see him and pain.
Can you see inside his ears? How do they look? Do they smell? There is an ear cleaning product you could try: Zymox Ear Cleanser. You apply it a once or twice a week as maintenance. If the condition is more involved, this same company makes another product for that: Zymox Ear Solution with .5% or 1% Hydrocortisone. I have used this product for more serious problems in both cats and dogs with great results. You can google those names and order it online.
For the feet, you might try wiping them with a 50-50 mixture of vinegar and water to see if that helps. Sometimes even salt water helps. And neither will hurt him if he licks it off. He might be less inclined to lick the vinegar.
Hi we have a 11 year old female staff who scratches herself silly. She is on predisolone but nothing has changed. What can we do ?
Is she scratching just one area or is she itchy all over? Is she current on flea medication? If so, I would suggest changing her food. Look at the label for what you are feeding her now. Maybe it contains a grain she is reacting to. Try food that does not contain grains or a food that contains a different protein source. If you feed her mostly dry, try adding canned to the top so you are feeding half dry and half canned. Also if you feed dry, add some water and let it soften before you feed her.
I rescued a 2-3 weeks old kitten who’s mother got scared off by workmen near her “nest”. It was freezing out and I didn’t know if she was coming back. Anyway, the switch to kitten formula has given him diarrhea. It seems he also has hemorrhoids with bloody stool. I tried Desitin as recommended by the vet but his anus still seems swollen and sore. He cries when I clean it. Other than this, he is doing good. He has started solid cat food as per vet to supplement the bottle and he sleeps well. He’s alert when awake and just started walking. I am just concerned for his bulging bottom. I read No Preparation H for cats and will try Witch Hazel. Any other advice?
Congrats on your rescue.
Definitely no Preparation H or anything else that could harm them if ingested because he will like that area.
Has your vet physically examined the kitten or was the suggestion to try Desitin made over them phone? I ask because hemmorhoids in kittens is unusual. Given that he has diarrhea should rule out any problems from constipation, but it does not rule out intestinal parasites which can be common in kittens. If you have not done so, have the vet test a stool sample.
Another possibility is that he could have infected/impacted anal glands which can assess. They are located on either side of the anus. Anal gland infections or impactions often require expressing and antibiotic treatment.
Cat with growth in ear causing infection. very expensive surgery to remove growth is there anything else I can do. He Has had 3 kinds of antibiotics. Is carbonic salve safe for him?
What kind of growth and where in the ear? What is the infection that it is causing? Are the antibiotics not working? If the growth has been increasing in size, there may be no better option than having it removed. Maybe you can check with other vets to see if one offers a better price?
As for the carbonic salve, it may not work if the growth is embedded under the skin. And it may be harmful to your cat if he ingests the salve by trying to clean his ear and licking it off his paw. I’m sorry I do not have a better suggestion. If the growth is resisting the antibiotics, you may need to consider the surgery.
Have 4 month old kitten whomafter surgery was sent home with a fentanyl patch. When patch was removed an inch by inch area was left with sticky adhesive from the patch. Any suggestions on how to get the adhesive off her bare skin?
There is a sticky tape remover product under various names that you can purchase at Walgreens, CVS, etc.
You can also try this recipe:
Mix together 2 tsp of baking powder or Borax with enough white vinegar to make a paste. The baking powder will help break down the sticky tape residue and the vinegar is a natural acidic cleaner that will help leave the surface glue-free.
Or this one:
1?3 cup coconut oil
1?4 cup baking soda
10 drops sweet orange, grapefruit or lemon (optional degreaser)
Good luck!
Hi my cat has a absis and it looks fairly clean just loss of hair around it and bruising but fairly clean hole so I am using salt and warm water… Also using metipulv antiseptic powder is that okay to use.?
You didn’t say where the wound is, but you don’t want your cat licking the powder from either the wound or from its paw after scratching the wound. The metipulv antiseptic powder may not be necessary if the salt water solution is working which it sounds like it is if the wound is clean.
Thankyou for this site I’ve already found a lot of info I didr find anywhere else
Wow! I am so happy to have found this site! It has amazing information!
I have a ten year old cat that I believe needs to have one or several teeth that need to be pulled. We are in a tight financial situation right now but, we will be back on our feet very soon. At that time I will be taking him back into the vet and get him back to normal.
He has scratched the top of his head so much that he is now bald and has scabs all over him. Is there something I can do to help him with pain and start healing his head so he can feel better?
Thank you in advance!
Why is your cat scratching the top of his head? The first thing to do is remedy that problem else he will just keep scratching. Does he have a flea allergy maybe?
As for his scabs, wash him (if that’s possible) with a gentle shampoo containing colloidal oatmeal to soothe his skin. You can make a natural tea out of sprigs of fresh catnip and apply the liquid with a cotton ball to your cat’s skin to relieve itching, or bathe him in it.
You can also supplement his diet with fish oils containing omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids to help combat aracadonic acid in your cat’s system, which causes inflammation, and they improve skin’s hydration. Fatty acid cat supplements are available through veterinarians and in pet supply stores.
Keep an eye on those teeth. The bacteria associated with bad teeth can cause other more serious health issues. Generally a vet will prescribe an appropriate med to take for a few days address the infection before removing any teeth.
My cat gets Uti infections with stress. She locks that area over and over, until it is raw and bleeding. Is there a human creme to put on it that would both discourage the excessive licking, as well as healing that area while she heals from her UTI? Also, something I can give her for her UTI to heal it, without paying astronomical Vet bills each time? We have reached 5 feral cats, and simply can’t run to the vet for everything. Thanks!
The licking could be an indication of pain. If you have ever had a UTI, you know they are painful. So I would suggest that you have a vet check her out because if she is licking due to pain, she will not stop until the pain stops. The vet can provide the appropriate meds. Anything you apply externally in that area will be licked off before it can do any good unless she wears an e-collar. If the area is getting raw from the licking, you can wipe it a few times a day with a salt water solution (2 teaspoons of table salt per cup of warm water). Salt has natural anti-bacterial properties.
She could maybe have cystitis (which can be stress related) and not a UTI. That requires a different course of treatment. So best to have her evaluated by a vet in this situation.
I have a one year old cocker spaniel who seems to have an allergic rash, itch to his nylon collar or he has a reaction to the new groomer or he got bit by a bug outside Can I use Preparation H anti-itch cream Hydrocortisone on the affected area?
Yes, you can. If the bug bite appears swollen, red and warm to the touch, it may be in the process of becoming infected. You can apply a warm compress of a salt water solution (2 teaspoons of table salt per cup of warm water) to the bite a couple times a day. Salt has anti-bacterial qualities.
Look ? at this site!! I am the proud mom of 3 fur pups at present. My girl Lily is a foot chewer and I’m always seeking ways to help her. Yes, I have the vet recommended antiseptic spray. When I use it She licks it right off then hides so I can’t use it again.
She is a black dog with black paws and her blade hair grows on her feet too. Between the pads too.
This is a first for me. I’ve had dogs all my life but never one that grows fur between the pads on her paws.
I’m so very grateful to have found you this morning. I’m sure I’ll be back soon.
Thank You
If her itchy paws are from excess yeast, you can mix apple cider vinegar with water and apply the solution to his feet. It won’t hurt her if she licks it off. It will reduce the itchiness and should counter the yeast.
I have an 11 month old foster cat that has nearly constant drainage from his eyes; it is an amber color and he doesn’t seem bothered, but it can get crusty and hard to remove – he has a hard time taking pills or liquids (had a very hard beginning with being born in a deplorable location and after being rescued suffered a severe URI as well as other health issues). He is beyond adorable but if his eyes don’t clear up consistently he isn’t available for an adoption event… any suggestions? Vets have said they don’t know what to do for him – I want him to be healthy & happy.
Did he have this discharge when he was being treated for the URI? If so, it seems it might be more allergy related (especially at this time of the year)? You can try an oral antihistamine like chlorphenirimine at dose of 2 mg twice daily, which is over the counter at the drug store. Yes, it’s a pill, but they do make a liquid version. You can try it for a day or two to see if you see a difference.
Sounds like he is one of the lucky ones to be rescued. Good on you for fostering.