Recipe: Bravo’s Bodacious Hearty Burger Stew

By isak, April 1, 2009

Yield: About 9 cups

1 pound ground beef or turkey
1/2 pound millet
1/2 pound spinach, chopped
1/2 pound carrots, coarsely chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons kelp powder
4 to 6 cups spring water

Combine all ingredients in a stainless-steel pot with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, then lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes, or until the carrots are tender. Remove from heat, and allow to cool. With an electric hand mixer or a food processor, blend into a puree. Using plastic containers, divide into meal-sized portions. Refrigerate 3 days worth and freeze the rest.

reprinted from Andi Brown’s The Whole Pet Diet

Disclaimer: Beingstray does not guarantee or endorse any recipe listed on this site. You are solely responsible for the use of any information given on this site and use of any information will be at your own risk.


  1. Recipes Valley says:

    That’s an interesting article. I just wondered if you could tell me where to find more info on this topic ?

    • isak says:

      There is a link at the end of the recipe to the source for this recipe. It was reprinted from the Halo Pets website. The link will take you to their book. The web has several places where you can find pet recipes. All the recipes I post link back to the source, so you may look through the recipes and click those links. Are there specific types of recipes you are looking for? I will be happy to research them and add them to the site.

      Thanks for your input.

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