Veterinary Assistance for Seniors with Pets
By isak, May 27, 2009
Veterinary expenses can put a huge strain on a family’s finances. We have provided some links to other assistance organizations which may be able to help you, if you are having trouble affording needed care.
Every organization has its own guidelines and limitations for assistance — you’ll need to check with each to determine whether your circumstance fits within their guidelines.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) also has a great page with a very extensive listing of organizations.
General Veterinary Assistance
- Ashley’s Angel Fund — Monetary assistance for veterinary care to dog owners whose pet is facing a life-threatening condition
- American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Helping Pets Fund — Fundraising and grants for needed veterinary treatments
- Angels4Animals, Program Guardian Angel — A program of Inner Voice Community Services, provides assistance to pet owners in need for veterinary care
- Brown Dog Foundation — Funding for life-threatening cases (sometimes limited to Tennessee residents)
- Canine Cancer Awareness — Monetary assistance for canine cancer treatments
- CareCredit — Medical loans, available at many veterinary clinics, offering short term, interest-free payment plans
- Cat in Crisis — The mission of Cats in Crisis to assist individuals who have exhausted all other financial means to provide the necessary medical care their cat needs. Due to the volume of applications, we cannot help everyone. Decisions are based on several factors including: medical urgency, available funding, eligibility and financial need.
Our grants are typically in the amount of $150, but are determined on a case by case basis. We do offer the opportunity for caretakers to fundraise on our website as well. Payments made to veterinarians, pharmacies or animal welfare organizations; not individuals/caretakers. Read guidelines carefully (Apply for Financial Aid section); eligibility is very specific.
- Dreampower Animal Rescue’s Forever Home (Colorado) — A program provides assistance to pet guardians in need of assistance.
- The Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program — headquartered in Yuba City, California, is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides financial assistance to cat and kitten guardians who are unable to afford veterinary services to save their companions when life-threatening illness or injury strikes. Services are provided nationwide. Qualifications are very specific, so be sure to click on Funding Guidelines when visiting the site.
- The Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon — A trap-neuter-return (TNR) program for feral cats. FCCO’s mobile hospital no longer serves the Eugene area, but does serve some of the surrounding areas. The only cats eligible for the clinics are stray, feral, or abandoned cats who are not part of a human family, but are being fed consistently by a caregiver. To schedule cats for one of the clinics, FCCO must hear directly from the caregiver. FCCO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies entirely on donations. Must be able to raise $25 per cat plus $500 per clinic held, for FCCO.
- Florence Area Humane Society — A 501(c)(3) limited intake, “No Kill” animal welfare agency. As a private non-profit organization, we receive no public funds and our animal intake is limited to the Siuslaw and Mapleton School District boundaries. Our principal focus is the rescue, socialization, rehabilitation and placement of unwanted, abandoned, abused, or stray animals. We provide financial aid to our community’s senior and low income families who wish to spay or neuter their companion animal or who have medical emergencies for their pets. We promote public awareness of animal needs, educational materials, and speakers.
- God’s Creatures Ministry Veterinarian Charity — Monetary assistance for veterinary care to dog owners in need
- Good Sam Fund — Good SAM (Special Assistance and Memorial Fund) was established to create financial aid for sick or injured animals who either are stray or client-owned animals in special circumstances. The fund is supported entirely by outside donations and your pet must meet one part of their criteria to be considered for financial assistance.
- IMOM — Funding for veterinary assistance in life-threatening emergencies
- LABMED — Founded in 1996, LABMED is an Internet-based non-profit organization created to distribute financial aid to injured or ill rescues around the country, giving them a second chance at adoption and love from a permanent family.LABMED will accept applications for assistance for rescued Labrador Retrievers or Labrador Retriever mixes from any group or organization or from any individual who is of legal age (18 years).
- The Magic Bullet Fund (Canine Cancer) — The Magic Bullet Fund provides financial assistance to pay for canine cancer treatments and medicines when the owners cannot. With our financial assistance, the canines we serve receive state-of-the-art veterinary cancer support for their conditions. The Fund’s mission is to provide cancer treatment for dogs whose caretakers are unable to provide treatment. These are dogs who would not have cancer treatment at all without our assistance.
- The Nantucket MSPCA (Massachusetts) — Offers a number of subsidy programs that provide financial assistance to pet guardians.
- Nike Animal Rescue Foundation (NARF) (San Francisco Bay Area cities) — Has many hospitals and clinics who offer reduced rates and/or the ability for you to pay your veterinary bills on a monthly basis.
- NY SAVE, Inc. — Serves the pets of New York City residents living in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island by providing funds to low-income pet guardians whose pets need emergency veterinary care.
- The Pet Fund — Eligible to owners of domestic animals, who cannot afford veterinary care
- Pet Samaritan Fund (Utah) — Provides financial assistance to individuals unable to afford medical care for their pet(s).
- Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS) — Assistance for comprehensive needs of companion animals for low-income persons with HIV/AIDS and other disabling illnesses, as well as senior citizens.
- Rhode Island – RIVMA Companion Animal Foundation – Launched in 2004, the Foundation’s mission is to provide funds to the state’s participating veterinary practitioners for compassionate care of pets whose owners are unable to pay.
- Spay/USA — a program of The Pet Savers Foundation, is a nationwide network and referral service for affordable spay/neuter services. Our mission is to work together to end pet overpopulation. We have affordable spay/neuter programs and clinics in 1000 locations nationwide with about 7,000 top-notch veterinarians in the network as of 2005. Our goal is to make spay/neuter services affordable to those who might not otherwise spay/neuter their pets. By working together, we hope to popularize and facilitate spay/neuter services throughout the country.
- Stray Cat Alliance — A not-for-profit organization dedcated to assisting low-income cat caregivers with spay/neuter services, veterinary care, and cat food. Non-Profit, 501(c)(3), Educational Materials
- Sue Freeman¹s Guide to Rescue Cats — This Web site contains a list of pet financial-assistance resources in Los Angeles and the surrounding area.
- United Animal Nations (UAN), LifeLine Grant Program — The LifeLine Grant Program provides funding to Good Samaritans, animal rescuers, non-profit organizations and pet owners to help them care for animals in life-threatening situations.
- Volunteer Services For Animals (VSA) (Rhode Island) — An organization of volunteers dedicated to animal well-being and the promotion of the human-animal bond through programs of education, advocacy, and assistance. VSA provides financial assistance to pet guardians for veterinary care.
- Zach Memorial Fund (Canine Cancer, via Ashley’s Angel Fund) — Monetary assistance for canine cancer treatments
Assistance for Service Dogs
Breed-Specific Assistance
- CorgiAid — Provides financial assistance to owners and rescuers of corgis and corgi mixes for veterinary care
- LabMed — Provides financial aid to injured or ill rescued labs
- Labrador Life Line — Assists eligible Labs, owned or in rescue, with medical treatment, transportation needs, boarding costs, or other special needs that will enable the Lab to find a home and to live out its life surrounded by people who love it
- Labrador Harbor — Provides charitable funds to owners or rescues that directly benefit the immediate physical well-being of Labrador Retrievers
- Pit Bull Rescue Central — Provides medical treatment to needy Pit Bulls within certain guidelines
- Special Needs Dobermans — Provides assistance to eligible Doberman owners and rescuers
- WestieMed, Inc. — Distribute financial aid to owners of injured or ill rescue Westies
The Humane Society’s List
If you know of others, please leave a comment so we can add it.
reprinted from Orthodog’s Silver Lining website
Can anyone there tell me where I can get help for me financially for my 2 dogs…
in Penn Valley Ca…I know about the Care Credit Card…I need that to fix my teeth…
Thank You
I think your letters are great but True no help iv spent thoudands in last5 yrs trying get diagnossis on little sophia she cant hardley swallow iv got many vets etc flabirgasted like I was crazy my 68yr old hubby worked after he retired and cant no more. Well had a catalán. Founxd deased ears now found a large parasite ambea in head not seen only saw it out of tubbing in front im now looking for financiar help to give right antibiotic to kill it please do you know who could help sophia for this is big money at any all universitys so sophia can finally live her life after 6 years of great pain. Greatly appriciated brtacoutts
I’m sorry that Sophia is having such issues.
We don’t have the ability to offer financial support, but maybe we can suggest some things you could try. I’m not sure where you are located, however you might reach out to local rescue groups in your area for their suggestions. Also search for veterinary schools and colleges that are nearby. They may also be able to help and are often less expensive than vets.
If you know the antibiotic that you need, see if there is a generic version or even a human version. The human version can sometimes be less expensive and even available at discount pharmacies like Walmart for further savings.
I hope one of these suggestions will help you and most especially little Sophia. I’m sorry we are not more helpful to you both.
I won’t even go into it, only to reiterate that I suspect these so-called nonprofits are actually profitable only for the people running the nonprofit. They get federal, state and local government money and they receive private donations from corporations and individuals, however, as I said before, they will use every excuse in the book to not help animals. There is some scamming and skimming of funds going on. After spending a solid three days trying to find help for my kitty, I’m convinced of it.
I’ve been trying for three weeks to find help for my senior kitty who I adopted two years ago. The only thing I know for sure after three weeks of searching online and on my phone is how these and other organizations will give you every excuse in the book to not help. Setting up nonprofits must somehow benefit the people who set them up because the past three weeks have shown me the needy animals and the families who love them certainly are not benefitting.
Are you having a problem with your senior? Or looking for a check up?
I think in some cases well-intentioned groups are quickly overwhelmed by the huge need for help. In many communities, there are organizations opening up that offer low-cost vet services. In my area, some of the low-cost spay/neuter groups are expanding their services to offer low-cost vet services. Maybe check with low-cost spay/neuter in your neighborhood and see if they offer extended services or know someone who does? Or maybe you already tried that.
I’m an 84 Senior person and I do have an small dogs of about 11 pound mixture of foxberries and Chinua
and he need to be removed several tooth in bad shape and I cannot afford the expenses. I will appreciate any helps or a suggestion for that.
Thank You
Hey Alberto,
I’m not sure where you are located. If there wasn’t anything in the post that helped, contact your local rescue groups and even the SPCA, if there is one in your area, and ask them for suggestions. Because they are in your community, they can provide the best options. If you want to find a welfare group, charity or organization in your area, then check out this list from Petfinder.com or this list from The Humane Society.
Many communities have low-cost facilities and even some of those will charge based on income. If there is a veterinary college nearby, call them. Many run low-cost clinics for limited income clients.
You might check out the website Waggle, a pet-dedicated crowdfunding solution that channels funds directly to verified veterinarians for a pet’s care.
I hope these will help. Let us know.
Are there any charities that can help elderly and disabled people who live on Social Security and those who are unemployed?
My mom and I adopted Orlando, in October last year. We knew that he was 15 years old and had hip issues, collapsed trachea and arthritis. Basically we adopted him because we wanted him to live out the rest of his life happy and loved.
He’s always had trouble standing up or laying down and he tends to cough a lot but he never seemed to be in a lot of pain. (We give him treats for his joint pain and give him massages)
Yesterday he didn’t move, wouldn’t eat or drink much water. Today he’s been more vocal but still won’t move or eat. I did manage to get him to drink water with some pain meds crushed into it.
I would like to take him to the vet but all of the 8 vets in town refused to take new patients and the only one that will is the urgent care animal hospital and they charge 2-3 times more for their services. What should only cost $65 is now $180 we don’t have it.
I’m willing to make payments but they only allow care credit and we don’t qualify.
Is there any way to get him help? It amazes me that so many vets in Yuma only care about turning pets away due to Covid or putting the money at a higher importance than the animals.
How kind of the two of you to take Orlando in and let him know that he is loved.
My best suggestion is to contact your local rescue groups for suggestions and maybe even some help. They are constantly vetting their rescues so maybe they have a way to help you or even a vet to direct you to. If Orlando came from a rescue, could you contact them for suggestions?
I had a dog with canine megaesophagus a few years back. I fed him in a chair called the Bailey Chair that I built for him so that he was essentially sitting upright to eat; his head was above his throat rather than him reaching down to the bowl to eat. Otherwise eating was very difficult for him. He would also cough sometimes because of his issue.
Did you ask about senior discount?
I am a 60yr old woman that was lucky enough to have a beautiful puppy appear at my door. I took him to the vet to check if he had a chip in him but he did not. He has a problem with his back left leg, it swells really bad and it causes him alot of pain. He cries alot and I even had to have him transported to the animal hospital. I am on a fixed income and I can not afford to take him to the doctor as much as he needs to go. The vet has been working with me and thinks his leg needs to be removed. I would love to have a second opinion but I can’t afford it so I am considering the surgery. I would like to know if there is a foundation that would help with this.
Sounds like this pup chose YOU to be his companion. Congrats to you both!
I’m not sure where you are located, but you might explain your situation to your local rescue groups and even your humane society to see if they have recommendations within your specific neighborhood. There are some nationwide groups in the post above that may also help.
Has your vet determined what the problem is that would require amputation? He may be correct, but I think a second opinion would be a good idea. If you have the vet’s records that show why he thinks this is the path to take, maybe there is an area vet who would look at these just as a starting point? Or maybe there’s a rescue group who could recommend such a vet?
I am a 55 year old widower living on disability and I need an organization that will help me with my 22 year old rat terrier she needs emergency surgery or she’s going to die and she’s my constant companion if she dies I think I will too
I’m so sorry to hear this? What is the surgery she needs? Has your vet quoted a price? Where are you located?
I live alone with my 9 year old/female/rat terrier/13 pounds/sweet natured. I need to have her nails clipped, also she is snorting now and then, with what seems like a stuffed nose and/or allergy. she is constantly licking the bed sheets, fabric, couches, etc., incuding her paws…I am retired and live on a very tight social security tight income. Do you provide any senior discounts? I am Robert felice…727/386-5531 or kindly email me…many thanks…
I just emailed you. Here’s my email:
I’m sorry to be so slow getting back to you. Last week just got away from me.
You can clip your own dog’s nails. You can buy nail clippers at the pet supply store. Then you can google “how to clip dog nails” to see videos and written instructions with photos to see how to do it. If you’re not comfortable with that, you might call some of your local rescue groups — or maybe you have a low cost spay/neuter clinic nearby — who will do it for free.
Licking everything — is she current on flea meds? This can sometimes be a sign of internal parasites, for example tapeworms. And sometimes dos will do it because flea dirt from their body is on these surfaces and they are cleaning it. If you haven’t in a while, deworm her. You can buy medication for this at the pet supply store. You can also buy food grade diatomaceous earth (D.E.) very inexpensively at a gardening center or even a farm center (like Tractor Supply). It comes in a powder form. You can sprinkle a bit of this on her food, on her, and even sprinkle it in the yard. Here’s an article about itHere’s an article about it.
The snorting, I don’t know. Could it be related to the licking? Maybe she is sniffing up some loose fabric particles?
It could be a seasonal thing and maybe some over-the-counter Benadryl will help. Here’s an article that explains the ins and outs of using BenadrylHere’s an article that explains the ins and outs of using Benadryl.
If the snorting continues, you should have a vet check it out. Your local rescue groups may be able to recommend a discounted vet. I am in Texas and we have an organization in my area called Texas Litter Control. They started out doing just spay/neuter work, but have now branched out to provide discount vet care for low income pet owners. Maybe there is something like that in your area. If so, your local rescue groups would know.
I hope this info helps you two a bit. My best to you both.
I am living on SS, my emotional support pit mix has hip dysplasia and severe arthritis. He has started showing fatigue on walks to the point he lays down. Because he has been on steroids for more than a year I was concerned about his heart and an chest X-ray was done. His heart is ok, bloodwork was done and pain meds given. He does have a fever, so antibiotics were given as well. My bill, with a senior discount, is $537.40!!! I was able to pay this since it is early in the month, however now I cannot pay my bills due later this month! What can I do, where can I turn?????
I am glad to hear that your support pal is on the mend even with his dysplasia. I can only offer suggestions to organizations you might contact for help with his costs. I don’t have suggestions for your other bills.
With regard to pet needs, pet food can often be found at people food banks. For other pet needs, I suggest contacting local rescue groups and even the local shelter. They may be able to make suggestions that can help because they are in your area.
Hugs to your big boy and my apologies that I do not have more concrete support.
Hi I’m looking for funding so I can have test done on my dog. He is a service dog. And he has been ill. I took in to emergency hospital this past weekend. And it was over $500. I am a senior on a low income. He needs to have some blood testing done. And I really need some help. Please. My name is Helen McHugh. You can reach me @ 941 3454680 as soon as possible. Thank you.
I’m not sure where you are located. Have you checked with the people who trained your service dog? They may have knowledge for help in your area. Are you a veteran? There may be options for you through veteran programs.
Here’s another list of possible places that might help.
I’m a 73 year old senior living in Decatur, Alabama . I have a 10 year old husky severe flea allergys . He’s been to vet who prescribed antibiotics and steroid shot He’s in desperate need of flea pills to break the cycle of dermatitis. He’s has chewed his legs and chest and side till they’re raw. I only make 540 a month widows social security. I’m becoming desperate , I’m afraid of second at infection. My no. Is 256 318 2566. Thank you.
Please contact your local rescue groups to see if they can either help you out or recommend someone who can. You will also need to be sure that your Husky’s environment is flea-free to break the cycle. A rescue group may be able to provide assistance with that, too. Ask your vet if they can help you out… maybe they have some flea med samples.
In the meanwhile, mix a solution of salt water — 2 teaspoons of table salt per cup of warm water — in a spray bottle and spray that where he chews. Salt has natural anti-bacterial properties and will help keep those areas clean. If he doesn’t like the spray bottle, you can apply it by soaking a cloth in the solution and applying the cloth gently to the areas. You can do this a couple times a day to get things going, then back off to once a day or as needed.
A couple ore options include:
• Diatomeous earth. It’s a very fine powder, a remarkable, all-natural product made from tiny fossilized water plants. You can sprinkle it on your dog and around your house (be careful to not breath the dust, so apply it gently). Fleas never develop an immunity to the product and it is very inexpensive.
• Skin So Soft from Avon. Place one cap full of Avon “Skin So Soft” in a spray bottle with water shake well. Mist dog, massage in. Repeat every 2 weeks or so. Dogs skin will be less dry, smell nice, and keeps fleas away.
I hope this will help your pup.
I have an 11-year-old dachshund that has his 4 canine teeth. One has started to grow downward somehow. He can’t pick up food with his mouth and when he does manage to it is with great difficulty.He has very bad breath and build up on his teeth. I am sure he has a bacterial infection in his mouth. I can not afford a vet right now as I am on social security disability. I live in Las Vegas Nevada, is there anyone that can help with the vet bills? Thank you for your time.
I’m sorry, I don’t understand the downward growth you are referring to. The problem with the build up on his teeth is that the bacteria can affect other organs, like kidneys, because he swallows it.
Have you contacted area vets to see if they can help at a reduced rate? You could also ask local rescue groups for tips. They are always looking to save money.
In this article, they talk about treating tooth accesses with Amoxicillin. Here’s more info about Amoxicillin for use in dogs.
They sell Amoxicillin for fish over the counter where fish and fish supplies are sold. It’s also available online. It’s called Fish Mox. It comes in two strengths. I have used this product for my dogs. Read the precautions and dosages carefully. It will not completely fix your problem as your pup may need to have that tooth removed, but perhaps it will buy you some time to locate a better solution. This is a temporary solution and your pup should not be medicated for longer than the recommended time.
A vet may even guide you in the short term, but they may require a visit to fully assess the situation.
im a senior fem, i have a boxer dog is a girl , shes got this tumor like in top of her head and has grown im so so worried i have no funds one vet says it will cost over 5 grand i dont have that kind of money, boxer dog is very happy girl looks that doesent bother her shes good on everything but hurts me to see that ball top of her head i cry almost every nite . i wanna know if theres a free vet hospital for low income in were i live ..im in moreno valley calif…please help me pls..thank you
Has the vet told you exactly what the lump is? The diagnosis will help you find the best help. Here is a list of organizations that may be able to help you. It includes a lot of different categories of help, so read through the list and contact those that can help under your circumstances. Also contact your local rescue groups and humane society for recommendations. They know your area resources best.
I have a friend who lives in a low income community who is looking for an organization that have wheelchair for dogs. Her Pekingnese has had problems with walking for the past few years…a dog attacked her dog when she was walking her dog. She could not afford surgery as the other party did not offer any monetary help. Lately, the dog has had problems with her hind legs and can’t walk and was told she needed to buy a doggy wheelchair…she could not find any local organization including the local humane society with this. Is there an organization in Marin County, California who can help her with either a lower cost wheelchair or even a used one? She’s on a fixed income and really cannot afford even $150.00 which one place quoted her. Thank you in advance for any guidance.
Here’s an article that lists groups that can help you get a donated/free wheelchair for your friend’s dog. I hope this will help her.
This page has an illustration that shows how to measure your dog for a wheelchair, if needed.
Good luck! I hope this gets her mobile again.
Here’s a list of possibilities: //pgaa.com/index.php/financial-aid-for-pets/#california
I hope this will help.
Thank you Isak!
I am looking for a low cost/assistance vet for a senior citizen who took in a rescue dog in the Las Vegas/Henderson NV area. Any suggestions will be appreciated!!!
Thank you!
A quick thought is to contact local pet rescue groups for input as they always search for the same thing. They have done the research and may be able to point you in the right direction. Especially since this woman adopted a rescue.
I would like to know if you can recommend a low cost vet for my senior citizen Mother who is 93 and on a fixed income in Kern County area Ca.and can not afford her dogs vet care bills and medication that her 18 year old dog has to have for thyroid problems and the dog has walking problems where my Mother has to use the aid of a support aid which she struggles with to hold the dog up, she also can not afford a dog wheel chair is there a organization that can help her with that in the Kern county or lancaster, ca area I so would appreciate your help in finding a vet that is low cost or some organization that can help financially
Let me check around and see if we can find someone to help your Mom. Have you checked with your local rescue groups and even your local shelter for suggestions?
I am facing all the concerns – as all of the people that have commented. Took on the task of having a colony of feral cats spayed/neut. this summer. One more to go. Some have left the area.
Two of the kittens, I’ve raised. My concerns are WINTER & future vet. needs for them. Don’t have the means to help them. Not finding any place that will help.
Can you suggest any places in the Raleigh, NC area? I have limited mobility/health issues so it’s difficult all the way around. They are not adoptable. I would appreciate any suggestions for help.
Are you on Facebook? If so, here is a list of cat rescues in North Carolina with Facebook pages. There is one specifically for Raleigh and maybe some of the others are nearby.
Also on the list is a group called Coastal Carolina Feral Cats TNR & Rescue that may be able to offer suggestions or help. Same for Cat Ranch Rescue. Maybe neither of these is near you, but they might be able to offer you some ideas because they are closer to you than I am.
Good luck and keep us posted.
I live in the state of Missouri and my mother is a senior citizen with several rescue animals (cats, dogs, birds). She is having a very hard time paying get vetrinary bills. I was looking for a program that might be able to assist her, as I’ve been told by a few people that such programs exist. I have been looking online but am not finding any resources in our state. Any help, even a nudge in the right direction, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!!!
Sometimes it’s a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack, but keep looking. Check with your local vets to see if they offer a senior citizen discount. Sometimes it is not advertised. Some vets offer a discount for people with multiple pets, however, I rarely see that exceed 10% these days. Check with your local animal shelter. Some offer vet services at a reduced rate. Also call rescue groups in your area and ask them if they have any suggestions. Ask everyone who says they don’t if they can suggest someone who can help.
It will help if you can be specific on the help you need. Do the pets need checkups? Or meds? Vaccinations? Or other care? Good luck!
I am asking for help for a friend who lives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Is there any Veterinary Hospital in her area who offers low cost pet care to senior citizens?
Has your friend checked with some of her local veterinary clinics to see if they offer financial discounts to seniors? Sometimes they do, though it may be only 10-15%. Check with the local SPCA. You might also check with some of the rescue groups in her area as they would know more about they vets in the area than almost anyone.
Depending on her need, there is also the Brown Dog Foundation — dedicated to helping Tennessee families who find themselves in a temporary financial crisis at the same time their pet requires life-saving treatment or life-sustaining medications.
I am a senior citizen on a low fixed income. I have 3 cats that I love dearly. They are my only family, etc. Nicholas is 11, Sundance is 9, and James Dean is 3. At this moment Nicholas is having trouble he either has a bad upper respiratory or something else. I cannot locate any vet in my area that will take him to help him and be low cost. I desperately need help for Nicholas now. Is there anyone that know anywhere I can get him help/assistance? Please?
What are the symptoms you are seeing with Nicholas? Common symptoms of an upper respiratory infection in cats are sniffling, sneezing, clear to pus-like discharge from the eyes and/or nose, coughing and lethargy. As the nose becomes involved, they can lose their sense of smell and without that, they may not eat, so it’s important to have some strong smelling cat food available.
How are Sundance and James Dean doing? Any signs that they may be having any problems?
Have you called area vets and asked if they offer a senior citizen discount? How about your local humane society? Sometimes they offer discount vet assistance.
Where are you located?
Hi, I know a senior lady in Gastonia NC that has a sick cat. She is unable to take her to vet. I can’t find a organization that wants a bunch of paperwork before they will even consider your application for assistance. I can get the cat seen with 40 dollars I have but that’s it. Thanks
You are kind to help her. What is the matter with the cat? What are the symptoms?
The best suggestion I have is to call all the rescue groups in your area — even the humane society — and ask them if they can provide financial assistance for a senior citizen’s cat. Vets sometimes can help, too. If they can not help, ask them for a recommendation. There is a group on Facebook that states that they provide emergency pet care for needy families. Check with them: (252) 457-0011.
Let us know how it goes.
iwould like to know any vet that help senior with their pet care in winter garden florida 34787
Try these:
Affordable Vet Care 10892 W. Colonial Dr. Ocoee 407-614-8975
Offers low cost services.
Mount Dora Veterinary Hospital 6877 Old Highway 441 South Mount Dora (352) 383-6700
Their website says they offer discounted services to senior citizens.
You might also check with local rescue groups for their suggestions and even call vets close to you to see if they offer a discount to seniors. Sometimes they will if you ask.
iI live in Mesquite Texas and we have a little pom that is sick we took him to a vet and they want 626 dollars for his care my husband is a disabililed viet nam vet and we are on a fixed income these or are babies they charged us 104 for and antibotic for him and one other medinice. There should be some kind of assitance for us people on fixed income do they think we dont love our babies it is all about the money could some one help us
What did the vet say the matter is with your little pom? What else did they want to do that would take your bill from $104 to $626? What meds did they send you home with?
There is financial assistance available. It will take some time and effort to track it down, but just work your way through the list of groups that offer assistance on the following two links. There may be some groups listed on both links, but there is sure to be someone who can help you and your babies.
Gypsy Dog Ops
Pawsitively Texas
Best to you all!
My mother is 75, recently retired due to breast cancer that has metastasized, and has just found out that her Shi-Poo has Cushings Disease. She is concerned about the cost of medication that her dog will need to take daily. She is on a very tight budget and would undoubtedly go without in order to provide for her dog. Are there any services that could provide some sort of discount for the medication that her dog needs? Please let me know. Thank you for your time.
What is the medication your vet has prescribed and where is she located? Have you asked the vet for suggestions? Some drug companies will offer a discount.
Also, is this a medication that might be carried by Walmart under their $4 plan?
I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s situation. We are wishing all of you the best.
I live in Martinsburg, WV. I am a disabled senior with my little dog, Jackson. He has been a little sick lately and the vets around here DO NOT CARE! It’s all about the BOTTOM LINE! One person at one vet said “Oh well” when I told her my dog could be dead by next Friday when I will have the money to bring him in! With the exception of one female vet, the doctors are fairly nice and reasonable. It is the office staff who are so nasty and cold!
We need help to pay for a surgery for our dog Uuuuuw! If you can help please call us @ 540-846-5574. Thanks for your time. Your sister in Christ, Kiera
I’m sorry but we do not provide financial assistance. Have you called any of the organizations in your area? Or add a post to Facebook asking for help. Maybe do a fund me page?
Isak, thank you so much for your referral! Postponed my surgery until 2/15/15 because I didn’t have anyone to take my pets, and the moving wasn’t finished. God bless you and your organization!
They just contacted me this morning about you. I will send them this message. Please keep in touch with them and maybe keep them in the loop on your schedule so they can save your babies some space in the future. They sound like WONDERFUL people!
I am a senior, I have a (9)year-old Shih-Zhu and a (7)year-old Miniature Schnauzer that need temporary housing while I recover from Cancer surgery (two to three months) at the most. Does anyone know someone trustworthy enough to help out in the Columbus, Ohio area? I am on a fixed income, but would be able to provide their food until I can get back on my feet again. Preferably a person who genuinely loves dogs and knows the devotion of having owned a previous pet. Please help! 614-xxx-xxxx
Let me pass the word along to others and let’s see if we can get you some help. Good luck to you.
I have removed your phone number for now as hopefully Lisa from Hospets in Marysville has contacted you. I reached out on Facebook to a wonderful animal control officer named Shannon O’Herron who does a LOT to rescue animals in need in her area. She is located in Akron. She connected me with Lisa at Hospets. I gave Lisa your phone number.
If you have not heard from her yet, here is her info:
P.O. Box 1063
Marysville, Ohio 43040
Best to you and your babies!
I would like a service for senior with pets. My dog is old (15yrs old) in Chatsworth California 91311.
You can contact the following groups to see if they will help you or perhaps, they can recommend someone who will. Because they are in your area, their resources are more up-to-date than what we might have. Some may not be close by, but they may know options to help you. Best to you both!
Pet Assistance Foundation – South Bay Chapter
PO Box 1506, Hawthorne, CA
(310) 372-9593
Pet Assistance Foundation
Provides phone service Monday – Friday: education about spaying and neutering of cats and dogs, referrals to excellent, but lower cost veterinarian and when need is shown, financial assistance for alteration.
Animal Health Foundation
(562) 948-4979
Financial Assistance for seniors 65+ only
Pet Assistance
San Diego, CA
(619) 544-1222
Animal Discount Clinic
13252 Euclid Avenue, Garden Grove, CA
(714) 537-0570
I am a senior citizen with very little income. I have a minuature schnauzer that I adopted 5 years ago that is now diabetic. The diabetes is affecting his sight–I beleive he has cateracts and cannot see. I have no money to take him to a specialist to find out if there is anything that can be done to save his sight.
I am in desperate need of help.
If you can help or suggest an organization that could help my dog–I would be enternally grateful.
I can be reached on: franzmartin@aol.com or my phone number is 571 268-5587
Can you give me an idea of where you are physically located so we can see what is available in your general area? Do you currently have a vet?
tried to access Bearen Foundation e-mail – nothing happened – do you have an address – phone number or e-mail that works? Maybe this foundation no longer exists.
I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you. This is the info I have, but I see their website isn’t there anymore, so maybe they have closed shop.
575 Coburg Road
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone Number: 541-242-3827
If you call and don’t get through, will you let me know? Thank you.
Our cat, Ollie needs blood work and meds for his detached retina in his eyes, that cost approximately $250, our Vet says. We live on a fixed income of Social Security and unable to afford this. We have had Ollie for 16yrs, and he has always been healthy until now. We had a $52 Credit on account with the Vet, that’s how we found the diagnosis. The Vet says there is a possiblity Ollie will get his eyesight restored. Otherwise we need $60 to put Ollie ‘down’ – very tearful, but we have to do whatever we can. The City of Corona Animal Shelter does this every Wednesday, and we don’t have the $60. Thank you for your time.
Peggy Mothes (951) 737-4577
240 Suffolk St
Corona CA 92882
I have a puppy that belonged to my nephew, he lost interest in the puppy. I love him but I can not afford to get his shot and he has a slight skin problem. His name is Onyx and he is so sweet and smart. Where can I get assistance for just this basic care?
Did you search online for “low cost vet assistance” and your town or area?
I am a senior on a fixed income and have to get my little do sprayed. Can you tell me if there is any help for me in this? I live in Apple Valley, ca 760-305-9113
thank you,
I would like to know if you can recommend a vet or organization to help me out with two stray dogs. I want to have them checked. One needs to be fixed. They are good dogs, but I can’t afford to take them to the vet for shorts, etc. I am a senior citizen and I want to care for these two dogs, but I do not know how. Do you have any suggestions.?
How kind of you to take care of these dogs. Where are you located? My first suggestion would be to contact local rescue groups. They will have the best knowledge of low cost spay/neuter and can guide you. Be sure to ask them if there are local programs for senior citizens.