July 13, 2009
Board of Animal Services Commissioners moves to amend L.A. Code to free Stu! The Board convened at about 10:30 (a half-hour late) and immediately began discussion of Item 3A regarding Stu.
June 30, 2009
The only thing keeping Stu alive right now is that the Court decision does not become final for 30 days after the ruling. The ruling was issued June 23, 2009.
June 24, 2009
The California Court of Appeals today ruled that the City’s sentence of death against Stu, a ten year-old dog with a record of one biting incident four years ago, when Stu had himself just been injured, could stand.
June 18, 2009
Another story has surfaced today about a dog being held in by Animal Services for a ridiculous amount of time for less than logical reasons. I swear dogs do better in the wild than in the company of domesticated humans. In a nutshell, a dog, Stu, gets rescued from the streets in 2000 and lives happily and comfortable with his owner, Jeff de la Rosa, and two other dogs. Life is good.