Dosages for Dogs of Human Medicines

Dosages for Dogs of Human Medicines

By isak, July 16, 2015

Some human medicines can be used for dogs and cats. You can see a list here. For use in dogs, here are a few human meds and the dosage to use for dogs.

Always check with your veterinarian before administering any drugs to your pets.

Medicine Canine Dosage Used for
Buffered Aspirin 5 mg per lb every 12 hrs Pain relief, anti-inflammatory
Vitamin B ½ to 2 ml subcutaneously every 24 hrs Used as an appetite stimulant
Benadryl Up to 2 mg per lb every 8 hrs Treat allergies, itching, etc.
Dramamine Up to 50 mg every 8 hrs Used to reduce motion (car) sickness
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 10 ml by mouth every 15 minutes Used to induce vomiting after accidental ingestion of poison
Epinephrine 1:1000 1/10 to ½ ml intramuscular or subcutaneously Used to treat reactions following insect stings, bites or medications
Pepto Bismol 1 teaspoon per 5 lbs every 6 hrs Used to relieve vomiting or stomach gas, diarrhea
Mylanta Dogs: 1 tsp every 4-6 hours for dogs less than 20 lbs;
2 tsp every 4-6 hours for dogs 21-50 lbs; and
3 tsp every 4-6 hours for dogs greater than 51 lbs.
Used for upset stomach and gas problems
Di Gel Liquid Up to 4 tablespoons every 8 hrs Antacid and anti-gas
Mineral Oil Up to 4 tablespoons daily Used to eliminate constipation
Kaopectate 1 ml per lb every 2 hrs For diarrhea (Not for cats!)


Amoxicillin 5 mg per lb every 12 hrs Treats bacterial infections
Ampicillin 10 mg per lb every 6 hrs Treats bacterial infections
Tetracycline 10 mg per lb every 8 hrs Treats bacterial infections
Penicillin 5-10 mg per lb, 1-4 times per day Treats bacterial infections
PEN BP-4each ml includes 150,000 units each of penicillin G. Benzathine/Penicillin G. Procaine 1 cc per 20 lbs every 48 hrs subcutaneously Treats bacterial infections
Procaine Penicillin300,000 units per ml 1 ml per 30 lbs subcutaneously Fights bacterial infections
Erythromycin tablets 5 mg per lb every 8 hrs Fights bacterial infections

Source:  Delilah Penn


  1. Kelly Claunch says:

    My dog has a severe upset stomach. She 5 months old and She Is a pit bull terrier. She involved in it several times today. It’s mostly just been foamy. I did buy a cheaper bag of dog food Than I normally buy last night because I could not afford the pedigree that I usually feed her. But my other two pups also ate this food and are doing fine. I have seen dogs With parvo before, and this does not seem anything like that, nor does it smell of parvo. Is there anything I can give her for the vomiting an upset stomach.

  2. Barbara Leyland says:

    Hiya – our cocker spaniel has skin fold dermatitis- we have got the infection down to a tiny area but she has now finished her vetinary meds (we are still treating with fucibet cream and flamazinr cream). Can we use flucloxicillin on her and what dose would it need to be?
    Many thanks, we are trying to avoid further vetinary fees and visits as we are in a very high risk area for covid (Liverpool city region).

    • isak says:

      I’m sorry, but I don’t know what pet meds you just finished. Flucloxicillin is a narrow spectrum penicillin which means it may not work on the specific bacteria you are trying to eliminate. One thought is you might ask your vet if there is a human version of the meds you just finished as they can often be much cheaper than the pet version.

  3. Kaylie N Ferguson says:

    My two pit bulls recently got in a dog fight, the one Pitbull is absolutely fine, but the other one has a really bad right ear, in the process I also got bit I went to the Urgent Care they fixed me up, and prescribed me antibiotics I believe the milligram is 125 my question is can I give some of it to my dog that got hurt, and if so how much, it is a pill not a capsule.

    • isak says:

      Often times, yes, human medicines will work; sometimes no. What is the name of antibiotic that was prescribed for you?

      For the dog with the bad ear, a rinse or compress a couple times a day with a salt water solution (2 teaspoons of table salt per cup of warm water) will help. Salt has natural anti-bacterial properties to cleanse and dry the wound.

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