Home Remedy for Parvo

By isak, June 21, 2009

Canine Parvovirus (“parvo”) attacks rapidly reproducing cells — such as those that line the gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, lymph nodes and heart.

Parvo is highly contagious and is transmitted from dog to dog via contaminated droplets and feces. It can be carried on the dog’s hair and feet, as well as on contaminated cages, shoes and other objects. Dogs of all ages can be affected, but the highest rate of death occurs in puppies less than five months of age.

Dogs that develop parvo will show symptoms 3-10 days after being exposed. Symptoms include: vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea (usually bloody), and fever.

The biggest needs in parvo treatment are fluid and electrolyte replacement so the dog stays hydrated, and medication to control diarrhea and vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting can quickly dehydrate a dog.

Top 10 facts of the Parvovirus:

1 – The Canine Parvovirus is world wide.
2 – Parvo is a highly contagious and deadly disease.
3 – Even fully-vaccinated puppies are susceptible to the infection.
4 – Parvo mostly affects dogs under 1 year of age but an average of 6 weeks old.
5 – Bleach is the only product to kill the Parvovirus in the environment (with the exception of clinically tested products used to clean kennels).
6 – The virus incubates in the glands of the puppy for 3 to 15 days before showing symptoms.
7 – Once the incubation period is over the Parvovirus will work its way into the intestinal tract.
8 – After the Canine Parvovirus is in the intestinal tract the Parvo will start eating away at the velli and lining of the intestinal walls. Therefore bloody stools will be apparent.
9 – The puppy will either pass away from a lack of hydration or low glucose levels (blood sugars).
10 – If treating with Sub-Q fluid, do not over hydrate after the puppy has pulled through the worst of the virus as it will put a strain on the heart, cause edema, and may develop an abscess.

Are Some Dog Breeds More Susceptible?

According to The Merck Veterinary Manual, 8th ed., it appears that some breeds, most notably the Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherds, Pit Bulls, and Labrador Retrievers are at an increased risk for this disease. Conversely, Toy Poodles and Cockers appear to be at a reduced risk for contracting this disease. It is important to remember, however, that any breed can get Parvovirus.


1. Diarrhea Syndrome (Enteritis)
After an incubation period of 7-14 days, the first signs of parvo are severe depression with loss of appetite, followed by vomiting. The dog will appear to be in extreme pain with a tucked-up abdomen. Within 24-hours, a high fever develops (up to 106 degrees F) and profuse diarrhea that is frequently bloody. Mouth inflammation can also occur. Almost no other canine disease exhibits these symptoms.

2. Cardiac Syndrome (Myocarditis)
This form of canine parvo affects the heart muscle, especially in puppies less than 3 months of age. Puppies with this form stop nursing, cry out and gasp for air. Death can occur suddenly or in a few days. Puppies that recover will sometimes develop a chronic form of congestive heart failure that leads to death in weeks or months.

The success of treatment for parvo depends on the form and the severity of the CPV (Canine Parvo Virus) infection as well as the age of the dog. In puppies that are between 6- and 20-weeks of age, there is a 1-4 week interval when they are most vulnerable despite being vaccinated. This is because the maternal antibodies they received through their mother’s milk are declining and therefore no longer protective but still interfere with the vaccine.

Dogs that recover from parvo are immune to the disease.

How is Parvo Treated?

There is no treatment specifically for the Parvovirus at this time. Treatment is supportive care, which includes any or all of the following:

  • Oral electrolyte fluids (ex: Pedialyte) – if the case is mild and the animal isn’t vomiting
  • Subcutaneous (SQ) or intravenous (IV) fluids to maintain hydration to counter the extreme fluid losses from vomiting and diarrhea that are so typical with this disease. Many vets will provide this so you can administer this at home. It hydrates by bypassing the stomach.
  • Anti-vomiting/nausea medications – to prevent further damage from vomiting and to keep the patient comfortable as possible.
  • Antibiotics – because the virus has potential to slough the intestinal tract, antibiotics help protect against secondary infection.
  • Blood or Plasma transfusions – to replace protein loss, provide antibodies, help with anemia.

For some perspective: a healthy dog drinks about 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. So a 10 lb dog would normally drink about 1 cup of water each day. If your pup has vomiting and diarrhea, the amount needed increases to make up for the loss.

Is There a Home Remedy?

To follow is a home remedy I stumbled on for treating canine parvo on the internet and wanted to reprint it in case anyone may need it. It addresses the biggest needs in a treatment: fluid and electrolyte replacement, and medication to control diarrhea and vomiting. Also read through the comments below this post. Many people have kindly shared what has worked for them.

This is an extremely hardy virus. It resists most household cleaners. The best disinfectant is Clorox (one part bleach to 30 parts water).. Here are some bleach alternatives.

My puppy had Parvo, he was only 8 weeks old, and just a few pounds. I took him to the vet and realized that it would be anywhere from 600-1500 dollars to cure him, even then he may not survive. So I looked up puppy parvo on Google.com for any alternatives, I found many things that people had tried, and they said it worked, so I chose the raw eggs, children’s Pedialite, and children’s pepto method. What you will need is the following;

* Eggs (enough to last several days)
* Children’s Pepto
* Instant rice
* Hamburger
* Children’s Pedialite (or Gatorade will work also)
* A Syringe for feeding
* You might also want to get puppy training pads or newspaper

First take your dog and place him in a sterile dog cage, with the puppy pad or newspaper covering the bottom because there will be lots of throw up and lots of diarrhea. Then sterilize your whole home. I used a spray found in the pet area of WalMart, its called “Odo Ban.” It also smells really good. Then used bleach [1 part bleach to 30 parts water] on all hard floors and dog cage. After everything is clean, DO NOT let your puppy out of his/her cage until he is completely healed.

Then I took a raw egg and blended it with a fork and put it in the Syringe and force fed him. I gave him 2 tablespoons of egg and 1 tablespoon of Pedialite every 4 hours for 3 days. I also gave him the children’s pill form of Pepto 3 times a day. I cut the pill in half and put it at the back of his throat. The serving size for your puppy may be greater depending on his size. I did this for about 3 days and until he was a lot more playful, and until his diarrhea was gone. (I also changed his pad every time he went potty and sterilized his cage every time to keep the parvo contained.)

After the 3 days was up I boiled instant rice and ground up hamburger and fed him 1/4 of a cup every four hours. (try this one time and wait to see if he can hold down the solid food. If its thrown back up, go back to eggs and pedielite for 2 more days. Then try it again.) After the first day of giving them the rice (and the puppy kept it down), try soft dog food the next day. If they keep that down, then you’re good to go, give them a sterile bath and they are now free to run around and play.

Why this works
This method works because puppy’s die from being dehydrated, not from the sickness itself, the key is keeping them from throwing up and healthy while the sickness goes away. They need lots of electrolytes. The Raw eggs for Nutrition, and pepto to keep there tummy’s calm. It worked for my little boy, and I hope it works for you. He is now the happiest little thing. Don’t forget to follow up with another vet visit to make sure all is well. Keep them in the house and off the outside ground for at least a week more just so you wont spread the sickness to any other dogs. Good luck i hope this helps you 🙂 Jessica F.

P.S. My puppy is about 3 pounds, so there might me a slight change in feeding, Be sure not to over feed, were not trying to make them full, just enough to keep them alive.

Tip Source: Thrifty Fun website.


A reader sent a tip suggesting that Tamiflu can be used to treat Parvo. From what I read, she is correct. Here’s more info about using Tamiflu to treat Parvo.


If you read through the comments below, you will see a testimonial from Angelica about a product she bought and used on her chihuahua/dachshund mix. And it worked for her! It’s called Parv-gone. I am not familiar with this product. If you are, let us know how it worked for you.


The following products have been suggested by readers.

PetAlive Parvo-K for Dogs for Canine Parvo Virus

  • Immunizes your dog against parvovirus and helps protect against it
  • Reduces symptoms of Parvo including fever and diarrhea and vomiting
  • Is a 100 percent natural blend of herbal and homeopathic ingredients/li>

Amber Technology Paxxin Digestive & Immune Support for Dogs

  • Soothe and heal the digestive system
  • Stimulate appetite
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Lubricates, soothes, and protects internal mucous membranes
  • More info on Parvaid

Companion™ Disinfectant Wipes effectively kills 99% of bacteria, virus, fungi including parvovirus, feline calicivirus, rotavirus, adenovirus type 2, hepatitis B virus and more.

  • Clean and disinfect in one step
  • Kills 99% of germs
  • Effective against parvovirus
  • Controls odors
  • Ready to use

Note: Also read through the comments below. Many people have kindly shared what has worked for them.


  1. Jill Maricle says:

    Hi everyone thank you so much for all your information. Just wanted toJust wanted to share our experience. We have a five-month-old Shepherd and she contracted parvo. The vet was kind enough to set us up with subcutaneous fluids replacement potassium and dog food. High-quality called K9. However we use the subcutaneous fluids and homemade chicken vegetable bone broth! And raw honey. Raw honey antimicrobial anti-bacterial anti viral! We really feel that it was the natural vegetable bone broth and honey that did the trick! Bone broth because it is slow cooked with all the vegetables and bones with it it has an incredible amount of nutrients. They even use it for cancer patients! Give it a try. I wish you the very best. And by the way after 3 days on bone broth and raw honey our puppy is up and bouncing again! It really truly is a miracle! God bless and hope it goes well for you and your puppy

    • isak says:

      Thanks so much for the input. That’s a very interesting tip about the raw honey. How did you administer the honey and how much?

      I am so happy for your pup! Congrats to you both!

  2. Ads dioni says:

    I have a 1 and a half month d belgian malinois she started diarrhw this morning bit it got worms in it she played with my daughter then ate. Lot but. Vomitted it with worms again qill be bringing her to thw vet tomorrow but I need help for now what wlaw can i do fpr her

    • isak says:

      It’s not unusual for puppies to have worms. They can get them from their mother. When they have a lot of worms, it can cause diarrhea and vomiting, and even a loss of appetite. Generally an initial deworming is done when your pup is 3 weeks old. The next two deworming sessions occur at 8 and 12 weeks. Puppy deworming is not a one-time thing. Depending on the dewormer, the process requires repeating in two to three week intervals to eliminate worms in all stages of their life cycle.

      The best option is to have your vet test a stool sample to determine exactly what type(s) of worm(s) your puppy has — yes, there are a few different kinds. Some stores sell a broad spectrum dewormer that kills several kinds. Here is an example: it contains FENBENDAZOLE. Look for that on the label. Then follow the instructions on the package.

      Safeguard Dewormer

      Avoid ivermectin unless your vet clears you for it. Some sheepdog and collie breeds have a sometimes fatal genetic sensitivity to ivermectin, so best to get your vet’s input.

  3. Yumna Africa says:

    Hi. Your advise helped tremendously. My pup started eating yesterday and is happy and playful. Still a bit skinny but resting and eating and wagging his tail. We got the the last shot of antibiotics this morning. Super happy heart and so so grateful for your advise.
    Thank you. My pup overcame Parvo. Not 100% but he seems oh so happy with his wet nose. Thanks again.

  4. Charlie says:

    Need help. I have a Kelpie that is suffering from parvo, cant afford the treatment so I need to help him recover at home. He is 9 months old and weighs about 11kg. He is vomiting however is not having any diarrhea, I’ve started to force him to drink via the syringe but I’m not sure how much he would need per day. The vet gave me metronide to help counter act the virus but I’m not to sure

    • isak says:

      I’m sorry to hear your news. Create a schedule for feeding/hydrating and stick to it no matter what. I say that because your pup may look worse before he looks better and if you have a schedule to stick to, it will keep you on track.

      A good general guideline for hydration is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. So a healthy 65-pound dog should be drinking between about 33 and 65 ounces, or about ¼ to ½ gallon of water daily. (Adjust this amount to fit your pup’s weight). If your pup is vomiting or has diarrhea, this amount increases because of the extra loss. You can hydrate them with flavor free pedialyte or even low sodium chicken or beef broth.

      There are many good tips in the comments as well. Best to you guys.

  5. Kala says:

    My puppy has recently started showing signs of parvo. Vomiting and not active I’m not sure what to do any advise

    • isak says:

      Puppies can get into things that will sometimes “look” like parvo. Perhaps your puppy ate something it shouldn’t have and has an upset stomach as a result. Or maybe your puppy has intestinal parasites. So watch closely. The best option would be to have a vet confirm the problem.

      The most important thing — if this is parvo — is hydration. The second most important thing is creating a schedule of feeding and hydrating, and sticking to it no matter what. Your vet can provide you with anti-nausea meds and some vets will provide what you need to give liquids under the skin (sub-q liquids). These hydrate without going through the stomach so less hydration is lost to vomiting and/or diarrhea. Otherwise you will need to administer liquids and soft foods with an oral syringe into your puppy’s mouth. You may have to force feed and force hydrate if your pup won’t take food and water on its own.

      Read through the comments for more answers/ideas that may help you.

      If this is parvo, do not give up on your puppy. You will be your pup’s lifeline. Make a schedule for feeding and hydrating and stick to it because your pup may look worse before it gets better. Parvo is a hard thing. So be diligent.

  6. Erik Santos says:

    What kind of feeding schedule would you recommend for a 2.5 puppy?

    • isak says:

      Puppies should be fed three to four times a day. Smaller meals are easier to digest for the puppy and energy levels don’t peak and fall so much with frequent meals. The best time for your puppy’s meals is around 7 a.m., noontime, and 5 p.m. for dinner. The last meal should always be around 5 p.m. so that he will have ample time to digest his food and eliminate one last time before bedtime. Stick to this basic puppy feeding schedule until the puppy reaches 14 to 18 weeks old, at which point the meal schedule should change to two meals a day (unless your veterinarian suggests otherwise).

      The amount will depend on the food and there should be a suggest amount on the food label.

  7. Nicole Mitchell says:

    My puppy is 8 wks old and he is losing weight and not eating hard food but will eat can food. He doesn’t have diaherea or vomiting. All he wants to do is sleep. He is not running around like he did Bout a wk ago. I’m wondering if he has parvo or what ?

    • isak says:

      Something to remember about puppies is that they will need about 18-19 hours sleep in every 24. So you should only expect 4 to 5 hours of being awake and only about an hour at a time. However the weight loss is concerning.

      The obvious signs of parvo are bloody diarrhea and vomiting. A dog will lose weight and not want to eat. It’s not unusual for a dog to not want to eat hard food. Soft food has more smell to it and it’s… soft, so it’s easier to eat.

      Other than his preference for soft food, is he eating and drinking normally? Has he been de-wormed and vaccinated against parvo? Worms in puppies is common. Deworm puppies two, four, six and eight weeks of age, then again at 12 and 16 weeks of age. The parvo vaccination can be done at 8 weeks and is an important vaccination. Parvo is a terrible and highly contagious virus.

      Because he is 8 weeks old and you have concerns about weight loss, it would be a good idea to have a vet check him out, get his parvo vaccination and have him dewormed. The sooner, the better.

  8. Savannah garrett says:

    My puppy is six weeks old I have been forcing him food and Pedialyte and pepto for the last four days today I started doing the eggs he’s keeping them down pretty good since I started using eggs. He hasn’t thrown up yet or had any bowel movements but he does pee is that a good or bad thing I’m so heart broken with seeing how skinny he has gotten in just a few days….

    • isak says:

      Puppies can get thin quickly. If he hasn’t eaten anything solid in a few days, he may have nothing in him to make a stool. Not throwing up is a great thing. How’s his energy? Is it increasing? Is he drinking water on his own at all? Sounds like he’s getting through it. Good job!

  9. Eduardo says:

    Hi my dog got sick from the same virus and i’ve been doing all isak suggested but I see that for your dogs they have dirrea on the first day maybe second my dog who is about 7 months old doest have any and i cant tell if thats good or not. I’ve delt with this once before and nursed that dog back with pedialyte and a pill called amoxcillin but now i ran out and i dont know what to do please help.

    • isak says:

      If your dog has parvo but you are not experiencing diarrhea, you have perhaps caught this early. And that’s a good thing. Make sure to keep your dog hydrated on a regular schedule — maybe a small amount every hour. They sell over-the-counter amoxicillin where they sell fish supplies. It’s called Fish-Mox.

      Many people have added routines and diets, etc. that have worked for them in the comments below, so read through them as well as the post above. My biggest tip is always… don’t give up. You say you’ve been through this before, so you know that.

  10. Ana says:

    Hi i have a pitbull terrier puppy that is about 3 months old and he has parvo , he’s been having bloody diarrhea, vomiting , he’s losing weight , and he’s so down most of the time , is their anything that will help ?

    • isak says:

      Please read through the post above and the comments from people who have shared things that have worked for them. Keeping your dog hydrated with liquids is the most important thing. Make a schedule for freeding and hydrating your dog… and stick to it no matter what because it often gets worse before it gets better. Just do not give up.

  11. Lexi says:

    Hi my puppey is digesting the eggs but throws it back up a hour later , I havnt gotten the Pepdo yet but I’m going to but until then will she be ok? Are the eggs at least helping a little ? How long until she will get better ,she’s been sick for 4whole days the second day was when I have gave her the parvo shot and the 3rd day I started force feeding her the eggs (which she swallows pretty easy) and it’s ofically the forth.. Is she going to make it ?..she’s help less she doesn’t want to do nothing but lay in her cage ,she can still walk but rather not .

    • isak says:

      The most important thing is to keep her hydrated. Make a schedule for force feeding and hydrating and stick to it not matter what. Give her liquids one hour, then give her food the next, then liquids, then food, over and over. You will likely need to do this for a few days before you see any improvement. With vomiting and diarrhea, she is losing liquids, so that’s why they are so important. If you make a schedule and stick to it no matter what, you will be focused and not be disappointed if she looks worse because often they will look worse before they look better. Don’t give up!

      Giving the shot after the symptoms appear will not help. The shot takes time to become effective.

      The eggs provide protein which she needs. Hopefully she is holding them long enough that she is maybe getting some benefit, so keep giving them. The pedialyte provides electrolytes so it is more helpful than plain water. A healthy dog drinks about 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. So a 10 lb dog would normally drink about 1 cup of water each day. If your pup has vomiting and diarrhea, the amount increases to make up for the loss. So plan your schedule of liquids around how much she should have in a day divided by the times you give it. Same for the food.

      Again, make a schedule, stick to it and don’t give up. She may look worse before she looks better, but don’t give up.

  12. Sarah says:

    Yes, I bought it from the vet. The chiweenie has started to eat wet foods and is having normal poops again. The symptoms started on Friday, so today is actually day 6, not day 4. He is behaving normally again and I am so glad I persevered by giving him the acidophilus and reglan!

  13. Sarah says:

    I have a Chiweenie mix and he is on day 3 of parvo and I was able to stop him from throwing up using Reglan. Reglan costs $15 and is a antinausea medication. I was able to stop the bile by giving him Acidophilus every 3-4 hours. Acidophilus costs $3-10 depending on the quantity and is at Wal-Mart. He has only thrown up 3X and has stopped completely since the first day. He drinks water and walks around. I think the cure for Parvo’s symptoms is to stop the acid burn in their stomach and with Acidophilus, and the nausea with the Reglan. I wanted to add this to the line of posts. My dog is nine months and has some form of special needs similar to down syndrome. If you see any signs of parvo, Immediately take your dog to the vet. Always vaccinate your animals.

    • isak says:

      Thanks much for your addition of what worked for you. It will surely help someone. Did you get the Reglan (metoclopramide) from your vet? Does it require a prescription?

  14. Iz says:

    My dog is 6 months old and she’s throwing up yellow foam like and she’s not pooping at all and trying really hard to intake as much water as possible and I’m curious if I get the parvo shot (I just got her not even a three days ago) will it help with all of these things?
    If not what should I do to ensure she gets better?
    I don’t have money for the vet but I’m willing to do anything for her.

    • isak says:

      Is she constipated? That could happen from being in a new place with new food, or maybe she ate something that is blocking her up. You can give her some plain canned green beans and some plain cenned pumpkin to soften up her stools plus some plain yogurt or other probiotic to add some good bacteria into her gut.

      If it is a blockage, she may stop eating until it passes. If it won’t pass on its own, she will need to see a vet as it could become serious.

  15. Clara Trimble says:

    We recently adopted a young female boxsky who started loosing weight about a week after bringing her home, not wanting to eat or play, diarrhea and vomiting. She got scary skinny and we’ve had dogs pass from parvo before so we recognized it quickly. I began giving her Dramamine and Pepto for nausea and diarrhea, activated charcoal with Pedialyte and antibiotics with collidal silver in an enema every 2-3 hours with forced fluids every 15-30 minutes at first and slowly moving the time up 30 minutes with improvement. In two days I gave her rice blended in chicken broth and although she didn’t care for it, she kept it down. It’s been two months and she’s healthy, active, gained her weight back and spoiled!!

    • isak says:

      What a lucky girl that she found you! What a great story… and thanks for adding what worked for you!

      What antibiotics did you give her?

  16. henry says:

    I have read all through the comments here and i’m trying my best to keep my dog hydrated, the vet came around last week to vaccinate my dog who is about 16 weeks old but since yesterday morning he has been showing symptoms of parvo but one thing is my dog is not stooling at all so i have not noticed any bloody stool but he salivates everytime, pukes at every medication he takes and shows he’s weak which makes me worried although he tries to take water from his bowl on few occasions but he’s still weak and not eating. I’m worried and i dont want to lose him, please what else can i do to keep him alive.

    • isak says:

      Some dogs will show a reaction to vaccines. In some cases, vaccines contain modified “live” viruses to make their body to fight it like your body would fight a cold. Systemic reactions include fever, depression, loss of appetite, lethargy and weakness. They usually appear within 1-2 days of vaccination and then disappear.

      If it has been longer than that, I suggest you call your vet and describe the symptoms you are seeing for their opinion. Generally with parvo, the diarrhea is unmistakable. SO perhaps there is something else going on with your little one.

      Foodwise, you might try Gerber #2 (called Sitter) Chicken and Gravy. It contains just chicken and water, no onions or other ingredients. Or even some canned Friskies Turkey and Gravy cat food.

      Let us know how things go.

  17. Stephanie says:

    My rescue puppy Benji has the first symptoms of parvo. I am so worried about him, not sure what to do. He usually sleeps in my room on the floor, but he can’t seem to get off the couch. He has thrown up twice and is running a temp. He did drink some water earlier but that’s it. Any suggestions!!

    • isak says:

      What symptoms are you seeing? How long have you had him?

      Hydration is the most important thing. On the average, a healthy dog drinks about 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. If he will not eat or drink, you need to force feed it to him. You will need to determine how much food and water he needs per day and create a schedule where you maybe give him liquids one hour and food the next until you reach the amount he should have. And stick to your schedule no matter what because if he has parvo, he may look worse before he looks better. If you have a schedule, it will help you concentrate on what you need to do and not how your pup looks. This can take a week before you see improvement.

      And don’t give up. Keep with your schedule.

  18. Sandra says:

    Hello, when I first realized my son’s dog, who was a stray and hadn’t seen a vet, yet, had parvo, I researched your site. I nursed Peanut just like you and many others said. Forced pedialite and raw egg down his throat. The third day, he began the bloody diarrhea. I still forced it down. Today, he was lethargic. I took him to the er vet, but he died in the holding room. I know most can’t afford these crazy vet bills, but with parvo, I would highly recommend on these home sites to say for sure go to the vet when the stool is very bloody. It might save a dog’s life. It’s hard to lose a dog after you’ve nursed it for 4 days. I’m so sad. The vet quoted me $1700 while I was waiting. He died 30 minutes later while I was petting his head. I should have brought him in a day before. And vets should have payment plans for people and not charge so much.

    • isak says:

      I am so, so sorry to hear about Peanut. I am glad to hear that he had someone to love him in his last days.

      There are statistics that say there is a 70% survival rate for dogs with parvo, but many factors go into that. Most importantly, early detection so they can begin a treatment. If your dog’s immune system contracts parvovirus, symptoms will appear within five to 10 days after exposure. However, some dogs may show symptoms as soon as three days or as long as 12.

  19. julie says:

    my dog is about 5 months old . he’s recently been bleeding only blood but hasnt vomitted yet . hes doesnt want to eat or sleep or play . he makes a sound like hes in pain. the vet would cost alot so i would want to know if you have any answers to how to treat my dog. he’s also lost waste . i trued giving hun some water .

    • isak says:

      I don’t think it would hurt to start treating this like parvo. Dehydration is the first thing to address. A good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. He will require more if he is vomiting and/or has diarrhea. The amount he needs should be split over the course of the day so you are giving him some every hour. You can give him pedialyte. It has electrolytes in it that will give him more support than just water.

      Also try getting some food in him, even if you have for force feed him with an oral syringe (a syringe with no needle). You can try to get some pepto bismol in him to soothe his stomach; plain canned pumpkin may help with the diarrhea.

      There are some good tips in the comments on those post, so read through them as well.

      If this is parvo, it can take a week to run its course and your pup will probably look worse before he looks better, but don’t give up. Make a schedule for giving him food and liquids and stick to it no matter what because you never know when he will turn the corner and start to feel better. Don’t give up.

  20. Jorge Mercado says:

    Hello, I have a 3 month old puppy with Parvo, I have had a dog in the past with Parvo and she survived because we hospitalized her. But we spend a fortune. Now that I have this puppy I can’t afford it so I’m taking care of him at home. I have several questions.

    1) How many dosages of Pedialyte and Pepto(liquid) do I give him? Hes a 3 months old maltipoodle/chihuahua I don’t know his weight but since he got really skinny I’m guessing it’s around 3-5lb. I’m currently giving him doses of 10ml every hour, but I don’t know if that’s too much, but I also don’t want to give him enough so which is the right way??

    2) he keeps making a sound when he breathes. Sounds raspy like as if his air canal is narrow or something, it hurts to watch him struggle breathe please tell me what to do with that.

    3) he barely has diarrhea, he vomits more than diarrhea. And when he vomits it’s like every 5 hours or so. My question is do I still give him dosages of Pedialyte? I mean I still do, but I feel like i overfeed him or it might be

    I followed the Home remedy from this website and he seems to be stable. I’m just worried about his breathing and giving him the right dosages. So please help!

    • isak says:

      Sorry to hear about your young one having Parvo. It sounds like he is making progress. As for liquids, a good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. One ounce is about 29.5 ml. He may require more if he is vomiting and has diarrhea.

      Noisy breathing can be an indication of many different medical issues and generally indicates a respiratory issue. It could be related to illness (the parvo), but if it continues, you should have your vet check it out.

  21. Lisa says:

    We have 6 dogs, one of them got Parvo, WE took him the vet on the 3rd day of not eating. They did a Parvo test and it came back positive. She sent us home with IV, Rebound (liquid food), and high protein dog food. This was on Friday, today is Sunday.We’ve been doing everything the vet gave us. Sometimes he looks bad, sometimes he looks like he’s showing improvement. We’re hoping he pulls through. We also started giving him chicken broth in the food they gave us. We’ve been force feeding him. We take him back to the vet on Tuesday. We’re hoping he gets better by then. Also, he breathes making a noise. Any idea what’s causing that? We’ve also had to confine him and keep him away from the other dogs. That itself is hard.

    • isak says:

      The virus has to run its course. This can take a week. During that time, dogs generally look worse before they look better. I always recommend that you create a schedule for feeding and hydrating and stick to it no matter what. It gives you something to fall back on during the rough patches. And don’t quite what you are doing if he looks better. Keep it up for 2-3 days past when he seems okay. Good for you that your vet sent you home with fluids. I’ve heard that some won’t.

      You didn’t really describe the noise he is making when he breathes. Is it a moan, a rasp, a rattle?

      With regard to your other dogs, be aware that there is an incubation period for parvo. The normal incubation period (time from exposure to the virus to the time when signs of disease appear) is from 7-14 days.

  22. Dallas McDonald says:

    Today is the 3rd day, I don’t know how much she weighs, she is a red nose pit, she is so skinny because she just keeps throwing everything up, I gave her yet dog food yesterday morning and she ate all of it, but now she doesn’t want to even touch it, we have given her chicken broth, I don’t know what else to do

    • isak says:

      The most important thing is to keep your puppy hydrated while the virus runs its course which can last a week. She must keep hydrated else her organs will fail. So even if she vomits and has diarrhea, keep on a schedule of hydration no matter what. It sounds like you have a routine of pedialyte, pepto & water. Keep at it. You might add some raw egg to the liquid for the added nutrition. Even some plain yogurt (adds good bacteria to her gut) and/or plain canned pumpkin (adds fiber for her stools).

      But the main thing is to stick with your schedule and don’t give up. Much like any virus, the parvo has to run its course. Your puppy will look worse before she looks better, but don’t quit on her. You never know when she will turn the corner and start feeling better.

  23. Dallas McDonald says:

    My Puppy has Parvo, she is 11 weeks old, I have read on hear some things and tried some of them and nothing is working, she is still throwing up, she has diarrhea and it’s dark black, I’ve been giving her pedyalite, pepto, and water to keep her hidrated, I’ve been giving her 6ml of water about ever 20 min or so, what can I do to help my puppy?

  24. Christina says:

    My dog vada is about 4-6 mths and last night she started puking about 8 to 10 times, it was white and foamy looking she has pooped out worms just a few times, she won’t eat or drink anything, so I have her Pedialyte. She hasn’t had diarrhea and she has stopped puking. What do you tho k it is? It’s Christmas so I can’t take her to the vet. Also I have not had her long and thought she bad all her shots but I don’t think she has so I planned on bringing her to the vet anyway, she is so miserable:(

    • isak says:

      Sounds like she may have gotten into something she should not have. Or maybe she has worms — not uncommon in puppies — that are upsetting her stomach. Once her stomach settles, de-worm her. And when you can, get her vaccinated against parvo. It’s a horrible virus and really tough on the young and the older dogs.

  25. Andrea says:

    My dog Sassy has became very ill with Parvo about 3 days ago, she puked on the first day and just started pooping blood night before last. When she started puking I gave her a raw egg and she hasn’t puked since! I syrenge fed her some broth and she just let it run out. She got up about 2 hours ago and walked to the water bowl by herself and took one drink and got halfway through the kitchen and just fell over where she was! I then realized she was weak from not eating and drinking (which I hadn’t thought about it for some reason ) since then I opened a can of chicken noodle soup and force fed her all of the broth out of it, and she drank almost everybit of it. I just tried to give her some pepto bismo, and she started whining real loud and crying. I’ve said her name atleast 50 times in the last 30 minutes, and she won’t budge. I’m not sure what to do at this point, she’s so weak. I don’t want her to suffer like this, if there anything else I can try?

    • isak says:

      She sounds extremely ill. My recommendation would be to take her to the vet and get her iv fluids asap. Dehydration is the worst part of parvo. When that becomes severe, her organs will begin to fail. You didn’t mention how much she weighs, but a good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. With vomiting and diarrhea, this amount increases.

      Please take her to the vet and get her hydrated as soon as you can.

  26. Josh Q says:

    My Yorkie poo is currently on day 5. 130$ for his first day at the vet. 55$ each time I go back for an IV. The vet provided me with an anti-vomit/nausea medicine,and an antibiotic. Day 2 and 3, I gave him a blended mix of chicken broth, pedialyte, and white rice, but he wasn’t holding it in ( giving him a low dosage of anti-vomit didn’t help). He started having bloody stools, since day 4. On day 4, I noticed I wasn’t giving a sufficient amount of the anti-vomit medicine, since then, I increased to his proper dosage and I haven’t seen any vomit. I’ve been giving him pedialyte at home. Also, Since yesterday, I started giving him a bit of raw egg, and he’s been able to hold it down. His energy levels have been very low, but he still walks around once in a while, and can drink from his water bowl on his own.
    During today’s vet visit, they just mentioned that he needs to stop pooping blood, and to keep bringing him back for IVs. I was wiping his butt earlier with baby wipes, and I noticed it was dark brown, so I’m hoping it’s finishing. I’m hoping for the best for him and every dog going through it.
    Advice to anyone that may not afford thousands:
    Buy parvo k and paxxin on Amazon.com
    It’s an anti-vomit/diarrhea medicine and immune support.
    Keep him hydrated on pedialyte, and try your best to get him IVs. If he can hold that down, try small amounts of raw egg. You must force it into his mouth.

    • isak says:

      Thanks for the input. Great tips! It does sound like he is making progress. Parvo generally takes at least 5-7 days to get through and a few more days beyond that to get back to themselves.

      Did you use the Parvo K and Paxxin?

      As a note to hydration: a good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. With vomiting and diarrhea, this increases. This is best given in small doses many times throughout the day and evening.

      As for the iv fluids: a 1000 ml bag of fluids costs $7-10 online and about $5 for the admin set plus needles. My vet will approve my purchase if I buy them online (they are a prescription product). Some vets will send you home with the whole iv package (fluids, admin set & needles). If I have them administer the fluids, it’s $16 for the tech’s time. Or I can do it myself.

  27. Jessica says:

    My dog was told she was parvo positive she is 6 months . I took her to animal services and they advise treatment was 2000 or we can put her down . We made the decision to put her down however something didn’t sit well she still is alive and isolated ! I went today but they won’t release her yet ! I will need to provide home treatment ! What’s good for her I can’t afford I’m about to have a baby as well so I’m limited

    • isak says:

      Hydration is the most important thing, especially if she is vomiting and has diarrhea. This just causes her to lose her hydration. The best thing would be if your vet would send her home with iv fluids. These are administered just under her skin — usually in the scruff above her shoulders. This way of hydrating her bypasses her stomach so she will not lose as much liquid.

      Otherwise the best thing to do is determine how much liquid she should have in a day, increase it some to make up for what she is losing via vomiting and diarrhea, then divide that into smaller doses you can give her several times a day; hourly would be nice if that’s do-able. A good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. You will probably have to do this with an oral syringe as she may not want to drink. You vet can give you a couple of these. You can also give her gatorade as her liquid. It contains electrolytes that will be good for her.

      Create a schedule for feeding, too. She may not want to eat on her own, so you may need to feed her with an oral syringe as well.

      Stick to your schedule no matter what. She may look worse before she looks better as the parvo runs its course, but stick to the schedule. You never know when she will turn the corner and start rebounding. Don’t give up.

      Also clean your house and all her bedding and toys. Clean the bottoms of your shoes, too.

      There are a lot of tips in the comments on this page, so look through them as well. And hang in there.

  28. Yesenia says:

    I just got a puppy around the second of December this year that was supposedly dewormed and got his parvo shot but has now become very ill. His gums are a very pale pink but so is the rest of his mouth, he has had diarrhea with a little blood, and just started puking last night. Since yesterday he won’t eat nor drink so I’ve forced him down some water with gateraide diluted and every so hour he’ll puke it back up. We have just found out the lady that gave us him didn’t administer the right amount of dewormer, has had one more of her puppies die along with one she sold has now be hospitalized with parvo. I’ve tried feeding him bread but he won’t take to it. I’ve noticed unmoving worms in his poo but the other day when he puked he puked up one that was moving. I’m not sure if it’s worms or parvo or even where to go from here. He’s only about eight or nine weeks.

    • isak says:

      If your puppy was in contact with a puppy who has been diagnosed with parvo or has been in an environment where there is parvo, he likely has parvo as well. And it sounds like he had it before he was vaccinated for it so the vaccine would not prevent it and may be making him feel a little worse. The de-worming meds are just adding to his feeling icky as well.

      Your vet can provide some meds and, sometimes, they will set you up with iv fluids to take home. These liquids bypass your pup’s stomach and keep his organs hydrated. Hydration is the most important thing as without it, his organs can fail. So your first choice would be iv fluids. Second is you will likely have to administer liquids to him orally via an oral syringe. You will need to determine how much he needs daily, then divide that amount into smaller quantites that you can give him — maybe hourly. A good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. More if he is vomiting and has diarrhea. The trick is to figure out how much he can hold onto and how much is too much and he just vomits it back up.

      Parvo generally takes 5-10 days to run its course, so create a schedule and stick to it no matter what. He will likely look worse before he looks better, but don’t give up on him.

  29. maria vargas says:

    My 4 month old pup has parvo,been taking her daily to the vet to get 2 shots and iv liquids ,,this is her 3rd day going everytime i give her liquids she vomits it no more than an hour later, gave her peptobismol and vomited 5 min later, im trying to give her at least 2 ounces of pedialyte after everytime she vomits, she weighs 20 pound please give me any other tips,i just want her to be better ,she hardly even gets up from her bed.

    • isak says:

      If she is receiving iv liquids, those will bypass her stomach (so won’t trigger vomiting) and keep her organs hydrated. They likely provide her her daily need each time.

      Have you tried giving her liquids orally in smaller amounts and maybe doing it hourly?

      Parvo takes time to run its course (at least a week) and she will likely look worse before she looks better because she will not want to eat. But make a schedule for feeding and drinking, and stick to it no matter what. Try smaller amounts more frequently. Maybe give her a little at the top of the hour each hour. That’s easy to remember.

  30. Madeleine Herrera says:

    Hello, my pugs are currently 2 and a half month old. They are 4 female pugs. The other one passed away last night due to Parvo. She was treated in a vet clinic. Now, her 4 sisters is currently not feeling well too. We think they got infected too. We give them IV fluids and also antibiotics. I don’t want to lose them too, is there any other way for us to make sure that they will get better? Are there any effective home remedies? Please reply asap. Thank you.

    • isak says:

      Parvo is very contagious, so it could well be that the others have it, too. It takes about a week after exposure for the symptoms to become obvious.

      Keeping them hydrated is the most important thing as their organs will fail without hydration. Make a schedule for hydrating them and feeding/force feeding them… and stick to it no matter what because you don’t know at what moment they may turn around. This will take 5-10 days. There are suggestions in the post on this page as well as in the comments, so read through them as well.

      But stick to your schedule. Don’t give up on them.

  31. Liyah says:

    . I saved a puppy mill puppy who may have contacted the virus, she is 9 weeks old, she is diarrhea-ing and has worms in her stool, she also has had about 4 stools with a few drops of blood in it, she is eating pretty okay but won’t drink water. I forced her to take some pedialyte through a syringe and have given her some Paxxin, she is about 2 lbs and is a miniature schnauzer puppy. She is still pretty active and barks when she has to go potty. We are taking her to the vet on Thursday, what can we do for her to help before than? She had her first vaccinations and deworming on November 23, 2017. Thank you in advance

    • isak says:

      Congrats to you on your new baby!

      Worms in her digestive tract can sometimes produce a few drops of blood in her stools, but this should dimish as the worms are killed. If she won’t drink water, be sure you are feeding moistened kibble or, even better, canned food because of the moisture content in it. You might also try a little diluted Gerber #2 baby food in a small water dish. The ingredients are just meat and water, no onions or spices.

      Also add some plain canned pumpkin to her food. The fiber generally equalizes the moisture in her digestive tract and will firm up her stools. Some plain yogurt in her food will replace the good bacteria lost from the dewormer.

      A good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. So she doesn’t need much.

  32. Jcruse says:

    I think your input and advice is great ,I’m putting it to the test now we lost two puppies,they had worms prior to this ,gave them a wormer and they started pooping them out ,can a weak stomach aid in puppy’s getting parvo easier ?

    • isak says:

      Parvo is so fierce to puppies because they have no or little immunity to it. It’s hard to say what role the stomach acid has, but any weakened area does not help. Some meds attack the good bacteria in the gut. Adding plain yogurt to their food — or other probiotic — puts the good bacteria back into their system.

      If you are going through parvo, create a schedule for feeding and hydrating and stick to it, hell or high water. Don’t give up.

  33. Iris says:

    I have 3 1/2 year old yorkie, I took him for his Parvo vaccinations about 5 days ago.. he now has bloody diarrhea and is not interested in eating. He is still active but I’m worried.. I tried feeding him chicken soup and fluid but his diarrhea still persist. Any suggestions.. if I give him Pepto-Bismol I know that the diarrhea will stop but how can I tell that he is ok and not bleeding internally I’m scared.. can the dog get parvo a few days after vaccination? or is there a possibility he has something else?

    • isak says:

      It could be a sign of something else, but it could be something he got into or even the vaccine.

      You can add some plain canned pumpkin to his food. The fiber in it binds to excess liquid in his digestive tract to firm his stools. Generally, pumpkin begins to work the same day. So if you do not start to see an improvement within a day, check with your vet. You can also add some plain yogurt or other probiotic to his food to add good bacteria to his gut.

      The normal incubation period for parvo (time from exposure to the virus to the time when signs of disease appear) is from 7-14 days. So a dog can contract parvo before they are vaccinated. Further, the vaccination requires an interaction from the dog’s immune system to fight the virus in the vaccine. So a dog is not protected from parvo at the moment it is vaccinated. It takes time, especially in puppies who have a very new immune system or senior dogs who may have issues with their immune system.

      Is your Yorkie regularly vaccinated against parvo? If so, he should be okay. What you are seeing may be a reaction to the vaccinations he received. However, if it persists, you should have your vet check him out.

  34. Lindsay says:

    We got a new puppy yesterday and this morning her poop had a little blood in it. I took her to the vet and the poop she had. She tested positive for parvo. Just gave her the pepto and a little electrolites. will try egg when I get home. They wanted 1000$ to start to help her. I cant believe this. Is there any where else I can get iv fluids? My vet would not send any home with us.

    • isak says:

      I’m so sorry to hear your news. But create a schedule and stick to it no matter what because, in my experience, you never know how close you are to breaking through. And sometimes breaking through just happens.

      Those iv fluids are really a great way to go because they hydrate the organs while bypassing the stomach, but they are generally a prescription product. If there are other vets in your area, call them, tell them about your diagnosis and see if they will help. Also call your local rescue groups as they have surely encountered parvo in their work.

      Did your vet send you home with any medications? Like anti-nausea meds or antibiotics?

      If you can’t find anyone to help you get the iv fluids, figure out how much liquid your puppy should have per day, then divide that amount to determine how much to give every 2 hours. Most dogs need about an ounce of fluids per pound of body weight per day, more with vomiting and diarrhea.

      You might try a little liquid puppy formula every other time for the nutrition it provides. She may not tolerate it, but if she does, that nutrition would be good for her.

  35. Wendy Deuel says:

    Thank you for this site and all of the info!! The comments are a must read!!

  36. Nikki says:

    Hello can you please help me? I have a 8weeks pit bull puppy that i brought 2weeks ago from 5miles and she was big and playful so i took her to the vet get her first shot and they told me she was health but a week ago at 3:00am she started vomiting a lot so i jump up out the bed go sleep what’s going on with her but she kept on vomiting and having diarrhea so try to nurse her back to help but it didn’t work so i took her to the vet get checked out and the doctor can back in the room and said I’m sorry you’re puppy Snow White have Parvo and then Doctor tell me we have to keep her but it’s going to cost you a lot of money so i told the Doctor i don’t no money that so she said you can pay 298.00 Dollars get this food we have for her so i said ok Now today is Friday 11/17/17 I’m giving her the food that the Doctor gave to me give to my Snow White and some Medicine that’s for vomiting and diarrhea as well but she still not keep it down and she still vomiting as well….please help me

    • isak says:

      Did the vet also give you medications for her nausea and maybe some antibiotics? That is often what they provide because a dog with parvo generally cannot hold down their food. Also, vets will often send you home with sub-q fluids. These are fluids that you administer just under their skin, so you are bypassing their stomach and they likely retain more of their fluids this way.

      Dehydration is the biggest concern, so if the vet did not send you home with sub-q fluids and you are unable to get sub-q fluids from the vet, you will need to force liquids into your puppy’s mouth with an oral syringe. A good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. You can split this up and give her some every few hours. Buy an oral syringe (it has NO syringe on it) to do this (available at pet stores, pharmacies and even grocery stores).

      If she is vomiting and/or has diarrhea, the amount she needs daily increases because of the loss. So if she weighs 10 lbs, she needs at least 10 ounces of water per day. A cup of water is 8 ounces so, at 10 pounds, she needs a little more than a cup of water a day. If she weighs more, she needs more. Once you determine how much she needs, you can split that out over several times a day to give it to her.

      Pedialyte is a good source of liquid because it contains electrolytes for added value.

      Make a schedule for doing this and stick to it no matter what. I say this because she may look worse before she looks better, but don’t give up. You can alternate the liquids with food. You may need to try a couple different foods before you find one that works the best. There are several suggestions in the post above and in the comments. What is the food the vet gave you?

  37. Nicole Salisbury says:

    I can’t believe how much this helped me! my puppy is back to normal and is doing amazing today is day 4 I found turn around after day 2 I appreciate you sooo much words can’t express how you saved my pup. Thank you! Thank you!

  38. Shelly hagberg says:

    And about many times should I keep giving her drink? Having to pour it down..

    • isak says:

      How much water your dog needs each day depends on her size, diet, age, activity level, and weather conditions. A good general guideline is that a healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. You can split this up and give her some every few hours. Buy an oral syringe to do this (available at pet stores, pharmacies and even grocery stores) or even a turkey baster. If you are pouring it down, you may not be getting enough into her. Again, it depends on her weight.

      If she is vomiting and/or has diarrhea, the amount she needs daily increases because of the loss. So if she weighs 10 lbs, she needs at least 10 ounces of water per day. A cup of water is 8 ounces so, at 10 pounds, she needs more than a cup a day. If she weighs more, she needs more. Once you determine how much she needs, you can split that out over several times a day to give it to her.

      Pedialyte is also a good source of liquid because it contains electrolytes for added value.

  39. Shelly hagberg says:

    Well, she’s weak today and wants to lay around. She’s lost weight of course. Who wouldn’t loose weight with not wanting to eat or drink..but she started throwing up last night and it’s not alot that she throws up, it a light yellowish color… What’s that mean you think

    • isak says:

      Have you given her some Pepto Bismol to coat her stomach? That may help with stomach upset. How old is she? How much does she weigh? Is she just vomiting, no diarrhea? A dog can be exposed to parvo and not show all the symptoms right away. The normal incubation period (time from exposure to the virus to the time when signs of disease appear) is from 7-14 days. I suggest you force feed liquids to her if she will not drink and the same for food. There are suggestions for feeding in this post and in the comments.

  40. Ana says:

    Hi, please help me. I have a 6 weeks old puppy, got him a week ago, he was very playful and seem very healthy. I had made an appointment for this comming saturday to take him get his shots. Last night at around 8:00pm he started with diarrhea it was really watery . Then vomit. First 2 times he vomit the food, then he started vomiting white foam. He has since then gone 4 times with diarrhea is just brown water no blood. Im really scared this could be parvo. I cannot afford thoudands on vet cost.

    • isak says:

      It could be that he got into something or the change in food and environment is causing him to not feel well. If you can get into the vet sooner than Saturday, that would be best thing to do. You can also add some plain canned pumpkin to his food to help with the diarrhea if it’s a simple change that is causing it. The vet can tell you what’s going on and if it’s parvo or not. If caught early, it can hopefully be treated at home. But there’s no need to wait.

  41. Shelly hagberg says:

    Hello, this morning my Annebelle didn’t want nothing to eat, and she was eating the night before so I knew something was wrong. Her sister lola just passed away from parvo four days ago, and now my Anna has it but the last time she threw up or pooped was this morning. I’ve been giving her Pedialyte and a raw egg, and a table spoon of grease. I have tryed grease on my last dog I had with Pedialyte and eggs and she serviced so I’m now trying it on her. She hasn’t threw up none or pooped yet. She’s just been sleeping alot after giving her all the above things,I hope she will be okay.shes just been laying around, and talking to her. Think I caught it in time. I really hope so.. but all day she hasn’t threw up..

  42. Leilani says:

    My dog is 7 years old and got parvo yesterday. He eats and drinks water. We gave him a tea that we put in his water and he drinks it. We also gave him electrolytes. And soup. He still bled but walks and is not out of energy. We called a place and said it would cost $200. What do i do?

    • isak says:

      Are you sure it’s parvo? Generally, parvo incubates in a dog’s system for a week before the onset of symptoms. It also is more common in puppies and older dogs and dogs with a compromised immune system, but that doesn’t mean that your dog hasn’t contracted it. Especially if he was somewhere where he could have been infected.

      What are the symptoms you are seeing?

      I have never heard of anyone treating parvo for $200. After the onset of symptoms, parvo can last a week or so. It requires keeping a dog hydrated and often force feeding him/her. So you can see that this would quickly cost more than $200 if being treated at a clinic. What will they do for $200?

      I’m sorry, but at this point, I have more questions than answers for you.

  43. Rhiannon Jones says:

    I took my 10 week old mixed pit puppy to the vet on 11/8/17. He was he was cleared after being tested for parvo and given the vaccination. He was given another shot and meds for intestinal parasites. 3 days (11/11) later he shows symptoms of parvo. Have 5 dogs total so I can’t afford the vet fees. Please help.

  44. Bonnie says:

    Ty for your help.it will do no good to try it now for my little pup died in my arms last night but ty .

  45. Bonnie says:

    My puppy of 5 months is vomiting almost I took her the vet 4 days ago he took her temperature and gave her pills said it was an upset stomach she has not ate for 4 days she trys to drink water but can’t keep it down. Any help will be grateful ty

    • isak says:

      Do you know what the meds were that the vet gave you? Anti-nauseau meds or something else? You could try some Pepto Bismol to settle his upset stomach. The recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds, according to Dr. Klein. It can be offered to the dog every 6-to-8 hours. But if there is no change after a few doses, check with your vet.

  46. John says:

    Yes I have a 4 month old boxer pit mix dog she has some sign of parvo that started about two this morning with some vomiting and diarrhea but we gave her fist dose of medicine she’s holding it down it’s been about 3 hours since vomiting and diarrhea do you think we got it early please help

    • isak says:

      You didn’t say what medicine you gave her for me to say for sure whether you caught the parvo early. If it’s parvo, early is always good.

      It could also be that, given her young age, it’s not parvo. It could be that she ate something when no one was looking and it disagrees with her. If she has not been de-wormed, it could be intestinal parasites. They can cause vomiting and diarrhea and are common in puppies.

      So keep an eye on her to see if she continues to have vomiting and diarrhea. If she does NOT continue with diarrhea or vomiting and she has NOT been de-wormed, get that done.

      Let us know how it goes.

  47. Lorraina says:

    My dog came down with having parvo….. will eggs really work or is that more dangerous for her??

    • isak says:

      Served raw, eggs are one of nature’s most perfect proteins and an inexpensive and safe food source. They’re highly digestible with a full range of essential amino acids – the building blocks of protein – Vitamins, and minerals including Vitamin A, Riboflavin (Vitamin B), Folate, Vitamin B12, Iron, Selenium and Fatty Acids, making them a nutritious food for dogs.

      The only possible (minimal) risk to dogs from eating raw eggs is that in large quantities a compound called avidin which is found in raw egg white can create a biotin (vitamin B7) deficiency in dogs, the symptoms of which include inhibited cell growth, inhibited fatty acid metabolism and loss of skin and coat condition.

      This so called ‘danger’ leads many people to write off eggs as bad for dogs, but the truth is you’d need to be feeding about eight to 10 eggs per day to create what is an extremely rare condition.

      source 1 | source 2

  48. Dee says:

    Thanking God for you creating this! I had two dogs. One died on Monday October 23, 2017. Did not know at the time she had Parvo until it was too late. Soon her sister (The other dog) contacted it. The vet wanted to charge me an arm and a leg which I could not afford. I thought she would die, but by God’s grace, I found what you had written regarding the egg, pedielite and children’s Pepto. For two days I force fed her the above four times per day. She is a bigger puppy s I gave her one whole egg and half of the pepto. I increased the pedielite to a half a cup. Today, (10/25/17) she woke up from a nap and was very hungry. I gave her rice and hamburger. She has kept it down and is very active. Thank Jesus!!!! Please keep posting articles like this for ones like me who LOVE their animals, but can not afford the outrageous vet orices.

  49. DJ says:

    Just found out my pup of 16 weeks has Pavo as of 9:00 pm tonight she had her first diarrhea… what should I do? Vet tried to charge me like 3000 to treat her.

    • isak says:

      Hydration is the most important part. You might ask your vet if they will set you up with iv liquids and maybe some meds (anti-nausea and antibiotics). Of those choices, the iv fluids would be the most valuable as it allows you to hydrate your puppy by bypassing her stomach so she will retain more.

      A healthy dog should drink between ½ and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. More when there is diarrhea and vomiting present.

      Create a schedule for her for feeding and hydration — feed her (by oral syringe if she will not eat on her own), then an hour later give her fluids by oral syringe, then an hour later feed her. These smaller more frequent options may help her retain more what you are giving her. You can also add Pepto Bismol to the food for her stomach. Confine her to a small area to keep her activity down.

      Stick to the schedule no matter what. Hopefully, you have caught this early and it will be behind you in a few days. If not, this could take longer and she may look pretty thin and unenergetic, but don’t give up. Stick to the schedule.

      There are other tips throughout the comments, so read through to find them as well. What works for one dog doesn’t always work for another. Some dogs love raw eggs, others don’t. And also, what works today may not work in a couple days. Just be consistent with food and water no matter what.

  50. Mike says:

    My puppy is showing the typical sings of parvo I went to the vet with him yesterday and the vet said he believes was worms so I took a fecal sample with me and they did a test. Yesterday he was eating normal and playful and active he stay up until 12am and everything was fine today when I left home at 6am he woke up playful, but my wife called me at noon and she told he has not eating and been alitle less active. Is now 5pm and he has only eat once he usually eat two times a day amd he vomite something that looks like mucus mix with blood…. I called a animal clinic and they talking about gee thousands dollars something I don’t have. Any advice would be very helpful

    • isak says:

      What were the results from the fecal test? Did the vet give you a de-wormer for your puppy? That can cause stomach upset sometimes.

      If not, perhaps he ate something when no one was watching and that is upsetting his stomach?

      What signs are you seeing that you think it is parvo? You did not mention diarrhea, a common symptom.

What do you think?

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