Pet Hurricane Evacuation Kit
By isak, June 9, 2009
Once again, it is hurricane season. And as we learned from Hurricane Katrina, we need to plan ahead for our pets. If anything, Katrina opened the door for pets as more consideration is being given to their safe evacuation on buses and in motels, etc. Many people evacuating from the path of a hurricane will be packing their pets into their own vehicles as they head for safer ground.
Call ahead to hotels and motels to make sure pets are allowed. Many hotels relax their pet policies in times of crisis, but don’t assume that will be the case. For online information about pet-friendly hotels, go to www.petswelcome.com or www.pets-allowed-hotels.com.
Start packing your evacuation kit now. In the momentum of an evacuation, you might only throw a leash, pet food and some bowls in the car. Here is a list for you to print out and save on the refrigerator in case you need it later. It includes:
- Current photo of your pet (in case they get lost)
- Enough pet food for one week
Food bowl
- Water bowl
- Bottled water
- Leash
- Collar
- ID tags (Pawtags has a wonderful new ID program)
- Proof of vaccination
- Rabies tag
- Portable kennel or crate (The crate should be large enough for your pet to stand and turn around in)
- Litterbox and litter for cats
- Trash bags for pet-waste disposal
- Newspaper or towels for crate lining
- Heartworm preventive
- Flea and tick protection
- All medications/supplements in a waterproof bag
Aren’t planning to take your pet? There are still things you need to do now to be ready:
- Make sure ID tags are up-to-date with your contact information, including info for a relative or friend outside the area.
- Also keep a current picture of your pet with you in case your dog gets lost.
- Create a portable disaster kit for your pet using the list from above, and keep in an easy-to-access location.
- Find a safe place to take your pet. Make a list of friends, relatives, pet-friendly motels, and kennels outside a potential disaster area.
- Make a list of important numbers for your area. Also include:
- American Red Cross (800) 733-2767
- Humane Society of the United States (202) 452-1100
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (800) 621-3362
If you do this today, it will be one ting less to worry about in the event you need to evacuate your home whether it is for a hurricane or other emergency.
What do you think?