Several months ago, I signed up for the PetsMart Visa card. It offered several perks… put your pet’s photo on it, works as your PetsPerks card and offers redeemable “points” for your purchases. That last option was not a bad deal for someone like me who buys over 1,000 pounds of food a month. Every couple months, I could redeem my “points” for a PetsMart Gift Card, usually in the amount of $30. Sweet!
Last week, I got a letter from WaMu telling me the party was over. That Chase had acquired WaMu and had decided to not only discontinue the “points” program, but was also going to discontinue the card. In it’s place, I would be offered a Chase Visa card. No mention of adding my pet’s photo to the front or the PetsPerk barcode on the back… and definitely no more “points.”
I am tired of this economic fallout. It quite literally touches every aspect of daily life. I am not one of the very rich with an annual multi-million dollar bonus, I do not have an ARM loan and I am not over-extended on my credit. Frankly, I have a computer, a digital camera, an iPod and a bunch of dogs and cats. I work hard and have great passion. So why am I losing my PetsMart Visa with Meha’s photo on the front and why am I unemployed?
What do you think?