By isak, July 30, 2011
In a quick post to everyone who has been tracking the story of our little canine heroine, Faith, I want to spotlight the efforts of a group that should be heralded: the management and staff at the Brantford SPCA!
I think that we are often guilty of painting everyone with the same brush when they are affiliated with a certain group. In this case, the Brantford SPCA has received many unwarranted and inappropriate comments which I think are based on the wrongdoings we know occurred in the New Market SPCA last year when they attempted to kill all the animals in their care over an alleged outbreak of ringworm which was later determined to be false.
But this is not fair! The Brantford SPCA is NOT the New Market SPCA. The Brantford SPCA has not killed a healthy dog in more than five years! The management and staff at this SPCA go above and beyond to place the animals in their care, sometimes personally driving them to new homes. When it comes to finding homes, they know no boundaries. One dog was transported with a trucker to a new home in Las Vegas!
These folks “get it!” These folks are knowledgeable and compassionate about the animals in their care.
They have fielded offers for Faith from all over North America. They have carefully weighed their choices, checked references and made their decision.
Faith will be heading out west to start a new life as a free dog; no BSL hanging over her head.
She was treated as all their animals are, except that her adoption would require her to live outside Ontario. And that is exactly what happened.
These are the facts and I hope they shall make the rounds on the internet so everyone knows the truth before they make comments or write angry emails.
Instead I encourage everyone to either stop writing to the Brantford SPCA, send them kudos or make a donation to them.
It is not fair to paint the Brantford SPCA with the same brush that you paint the New Market SPCA despite the fact they both fall under the leadership of the OSPCA. Again I tell you, the Brantford SPCA is one of the “good guys.” They work tirelessly for the animals in their care, going above and beyond. They deserve our support for all the good they do.
We need to recognize the good apples! We need to stand behind them as an example to the not-so-good apples. We need to support them.
So please, stop your angry comments to and about the Brantford SPCA… because you are wrong! Instead, please join me in spreading the truth!
and all their work in placing the animals in their care! You have my deepest respect!
Ciao, Holly
What do you think?