Home Remedy for Parvo

By isak, June 21, 2009

Canine Parvovirus (“parvo”) attacks rapidly reproducing cells — such as those that line the gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, lymph nodes and heart.

Parvo is highly contagious and is transmitted from dog to dog via contaminated droplets and feces. It can be carried on the dog’s hair and feet, as well as on contaminated cages, shoes and other objects. Dogs of all ages can be affected, but the highest rate of death occurs in puppies less than five months of age.

Dogs that develop parvo will show symptoms 3-10 days after being exposed. Symptoms include: vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea (usually bloody), and fever.

The biggest needs in parvo treatment are fluid and electrolyte replacement so the dog stays hydrated, and medication to control diarrhea and vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting can quickly dehydrate a dog.

Top 10 facts of the Parvovirus:

1 – The Canine Parvovirus is world wide.
2 – Parvo is a highly contagious and deadly disease.
3 – Even fully-vaccinated puppies are susceptible to the infection.
4 – Parvo mostly affects dogs under 1 year of age but an average of 6 weeks old.
5 – Bleach is the only product to kill the Parvovirus in the environment (with the exception of clinically tested products used to clean kennels).
6 – The virus incubates in the glands of the puppy for 3 to 15 days before showing symptoms.
7 – Once the incubation period is over the Parvovirus will work its way into the intestinal tract.
8 – After the Canine Parvovirus is in the intestinal tract the Parvo will start eating away at the velli and lining of the intestinal walls. Therefore bloody stools will be apparent.
9 – The puppy will either pass away from a lack of hydration or low glucose levels (blood sugars).
10 – If treating with Sub-Q fluid, do not over hydrate after the puppy has pulled through the worst of the virus as it will put a strain on the heart, cause edema, and may develop an abscess.

Are Some Dog Breeds More Susceptible?

According to The Merck Veterinary Manual, 8th ed., it appears that some breeds, most notably the Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherds, Pit Bulls, and Labrador Retrievers are at an increased risk for this disease. Conversely, Toy Poodles and Cockers appear to be at a reduced risk for contracting this disease. It is important to remember, however, that any breed can get Parvovirus.


1. Diarrhea Syndrome (Enteritis)
After an incubation period of 7-14 days, the first signs of parvo are severe depression with loss of appetite, followed by vomiting. The dog will appear to be in extreme pain with a tucked-up abdomen. Within 24-hours, a high fever develops (up to 106 degrees F) and profuse diarrhea that is frequently bloody. Mouth inflammation can also occur. Almost no other canine disease exhibits these symptoms.

2. Cardiac Syndrome (Myocarditis)
This form of canine parvo affects the heart muscle, especially in puppies less than 3 months of age. Puppies with this form stop nursing, cry out and gasp for air. Death can occur suddenly or in a few days. Puppies that recover will sometimes develop a chronic form of congestive heart failure that leads to death in weeks or months.

The success of treatment for parvo depends on the form and the severity of the CPV (Canine Parvo Virus) infection as well as the age of the dog. In puppies that are between 6- and 20-weeks of age, there is a 1-4 week interval when they are most vulnerable despite being vaccinated. This is because the maternal antibodies they received through their mother’s milk are declining and therefore no longer protective but still interfere with the vaccine.

Dogs that recover from parvo are immune to the disease.

How is Parvo Treated?

There is no treatment specifically for the Parvovirus at this time. Treatment is supportive care, which includes any or all of the following:

  • Oral electrolyte fluids (ex: Pedialyte) – if the case is mild and the animal isn’t vomiting
  • Subcutaneous (SQ) or intravenous (IV) fluids to maintain hydration to counter the extreme fluid losses from vomiting and diarrhea that are so typical with this disease. Many vets will provide this so you can administer this at home. It hydrates by bypassing the stomach.
  • Anti-vomiting/nausea medications – to prevent further damage from vomiting and to keep the patient comfortable as possible.
  • Antibiotics – because the virus has potential to slough the intestinal tract, antibiotics help protect against secondary infection.
  • Blood or Plasma transfusions – to replace protein loss, provide antibodies, help with anemia.

For some perspective: a healthy dog drinks about 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. So a 10 lb dog would normally drink about 1 cup of water each day. If your pup has vomiting and diarrhea, the amount needed increases to make up for the loss.

Is There a Home Remedy?

To follow is a home remedy I stumbled on for treating canine parvo on the internet and wanted to reprint it in case anyone may need it. It addresses the biggest needs in a treatment: fluid and electrolyte replacement, and medication to control diarrhea and vomiting. Also read through the comments below this post. Many people have kindly shared what has worked for them.

This is an extremely hardy virus. It resists most household cleaners. The best disinfectant is Clorox (one part bleach to 30 parts water).. Here are some bleach alternatives.

My puppy had Parvo, he was only 8 weeks old, and just a few pounds. I took him to the vet and realized that it would be anywhere from 600-1500 dollars to cure him, even then he may not survive. So I looked up puppy parvo on Google.com for any alternatives, I found many things that people had tried, and they said it worked, so I chose the raw eggs, children’s Pedialite, and children’s pepto method. What you will need is the following;

* Eggs (enough to last several days)
* Children’s Pepto
* Instant rice
* Hamburger
* Children’s Pedialite (or Gatorade will work also)
* A Syringe for feeding
* You might also want to get puppy training pads or newspaper

First take your dog and place him in a sterile dog cage, with the puppy pad or newspaper covering the bottom because there will be lots of throw up and lots of diarrhea. Then sterilize your whole home. I used a spray found in the pet area of WalMart, its called “Odo Ban.” It also smells really good. Then used bleach [1 part bleach to 30 parts water] on all hard floors and dog cage. After everything is clean, DO NOT let your puppy out of his/her cage until he is completely healed.

Then I took a raw egg and blended it with a fork and put it in the Syringe and force fed him. I gave him 2 tablespoons of egg and 1 tablespoon of Pedialite every 4 hours for 3 days. I also gave him the children’s pill form of Pepto 3 times a day. I cut the pill in half and put it at the back of his throat. The serving size for your puppy may be greater depending on his size. I did this for about 3 days and until he was a lot more playful, and until his diarrhea was gone. (I also changed his pad every time he went potty and sterilized his cage every time to keep the parvo contained.)

After the 3 days was up I boiled instant rice and ground up hamburger and fed him 1/4 of a cup every four hours. (try this one time and wait to see if he can hold down the solid food. If its thrown back up, go back to eggs and pedielite for 2 more days. Then try it again.) After the first day of giving them the rice (and the puppy kept it down), try soft dog food the next day. If they keep that down, then you’re good to go, give them a sterile bath and they are now free to run around and play.

Why this works
This method works because puppy’s die from being dehydrated, not from the sickness itself, the key is keeping them from throwing up and healthy while the sickness goes away. They need lots of electrolytes. The Raw eggs for Nutrition, and pepto to keep there tummy’s calm. It worked for my little boy, and I hope it works for you. He is now the happiest little thing. Don’t forget to follow up with another vet visit to make sure all is well. Keep them in the house and off the outside ground for at least a week more just so you wont spread the sickness to any other dogs. Good luck i hope this helps you 🙂 Jessica F.

P.S. My puppy is about 3 pounds, so there might me a slight change in feeding, Be sure not to over feed, were not trying to make them full, just enough to keep them alive.

Tip Source: Thrifty Fun website.


A reader sent a tip suggesting that Tamiflu can be used to treat Parvo. From what I read, she is correct. Here’s more info about using Tamiflu to treat Parvo.


If you read through the comments below, you will see a testimonial from Angelica about a product she bought and used on her chihuahua/dachshund mix. And it worked for her! It’s called Parv-gone. I am not familiar with this product. If you are, let us know how it worked for you.


The following products have been suggested by readers.

PetAlive Parvo-K for Dogs for Canine Parvo Virus

  • Immunizes your dog against parvovirus and helps protect against it
  • Reduces symptoms of Parvo including fever and diarrhea and vomiting
  • Is a 100 percent natural blend of herbal and homeopathic ingredients/li>

Amber Technology Paxxin Digestive & Immune Support for Dogs

  • Soothe and heal the digestive system
  • Stimulate appetite
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Lubricates, soothes, and protects internal mucous membranes
  • More info on Parvaid

Companion™ Disinfectant Wipes effectively kills 99% of bacteria, virus, fungi including parvovirus, feline calicivirus, rotavirus, adenovirus type 2, hepatitis B virus and more.

  • Clean and disinfect in one step
  • Kills 99% of germs
  • Effective against parvovirus
  • Controls odors
  • Ready to use

Note: Also read through the comments below. Many people have kindly shared what has worked for them.


  1. yesenia garcia says:

    Hi I have a multipoo she is 2 months old and yesterday I have her can food and she was fine this morning I heard her it sounded like sneezing or cofing and she had vomit it was very little no blood and she pooped not so long ago and it was hard and a little dirahea at the end she is really sad and is sleeping all day deosnt want to eat and barely drinks water but what really worries me is that it seems she wants to throw up and her body shakes really wierd what should I do?

    • isak says:

      Could she have gotten into something she shouldn’t have? I don’t understand what you mean by body shakes, but if they continue, you should have your vet check her out. Same for if she doesn’t start to eat or drink. She could have a blockage somewhere.

  2. Angela says:

    OK, well since they were exposed to it, if I give them shots now for parvovirus is it going to kill them since it is a live virus in the shot???

    • isak says:

      It takes some time for the vaccination to work. So give your vet a call and ask them. If they don’t think it will help or you want to go the extra mile, look at feeding your pups a really healthy diet (like a home cooked diet or a dehydrated dog food product; not kibble/dry food) and a good parvovirus nosode. There is info at the bottom of this link about the nosodes.

  3. Angela says:

    I am in severe need of some advice here!!!!! Yesterday at 4:14 a.m. I had a puppy die from what I’m sure was parvo..then at noon I had another one die..then at 5:15 I had another one die..I called the vet after the first one and was told the other two were too far gone to help but they would put them down.. I tried giving Gatorade and water to keep them hydrated but I lost them anyway. I moved my other three to a separate kennel after realizing that my second two were symptomatic and none of them are showing symptoms.. It has now been 26 hours since I lost my first puppy and my others are all jumping around and eating and drinking. We bathed them in gold dial, put them in the other kennel and are cleaning up every single bowel movement as they have one, so far no signs of blood, no diarrhea..it is normal poo, no vomiting, no lethary, no depression, no loss of appetite, no signs of dehydration..but I am still worried they may have contracted the virus from being in the other kennel with the sick puppies before we realized they were sick..should I be giving Gatorade or pedialyte and following all of these other measures like the eggs, canned food, etc.? Should I give pepto? My vet says I can bring them all in for evaluation but that would cost alot of money and frankly I don’t have it right now but I do not want to lose any more of my puppies.. What should I do???? Please help me!

    • isak says:

      If they are eating and drinking okay, you do not need to follow the food and drink guidelines in this post. Susceptible dogs will usually start showing signs of illness 5-10 days following exposure. If they start showing any signs, then begin the treatments and stick with them 24/7.

      The virus loses very little of its ability to cause infection after 3 months at room temperature; can survive 2 weeks at 100 degrees; can live 6 months in a refrigerator and up to 3 years in feces in the environment. This is why the virus is spread so easily from one infected dog to another and why a thorough cleanup effort is so important.

      The virus can be inactivated by household bleach, excessive heat, UV irradiation, and a few select disinfectants. PineSol, ammonia and other household cleaners do not kill parvovirus.

      Anywhere that a dog infected with parvovirus has been should be considered contaminated. This includes footwear and clothing worn by people who have handled the dog while it is sick. Generally if a dog has been in your house any room the dog has been in should be considered contaminated, any room the dogs bedding has been in should be considered contaminated and if the dog has been in the yard the entire yard should be considered contaminated.

      Before using any cleaners pick up any poop, double bag it and throw it out. Anything contaminated that can be thrown away and replaced should be. The best household cleaner to use to kill parvovirus is bleach (1 part bleach to 30 parts water). It should be used on hard surfaces including tiles, concrete, paving, bottoms of shoes, etc – leave the bleach on the surface at least 10-15 minutes. Anything that can be washed in bleach should be. A veterinary cleaner called F10 can be supplied in a spray bottle and used on items that cannot be cleaned with bleach.

      Contaminated carpet, soft furnishings and clothing/bedding should be cleaned thoroughly using a colour-safe bleach solution if possible (test it first in case it discolours the material). Soak clothing/bedding in the bleach first. Steam cleaning can also be effective if temperatures reach 120-130 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes. Hanging things out in the hot sun to dry can also assist in killing off any remaining virus. Ultimately anything that is not a hard object/surface will be difficult to clean adequately.

      Once areas such as lawn or dirt have been contaminated with parvovirus they are practically impossible to adequately clean and unvaccinated dogs should not be allowed in these areas for years after a sick dog has been on them. This means any future puppies should not be allowed in the yard until 2 weeks after their last puppy vaccination.

      Because of the long environmental survival time of the virus, your puppies will be at some risk in your home and yard for an extended amount of time. With aggressive clean up, you could introduce your puppies back into the same area of your house after 3 months.


  4. JesusL says:

    My dog is a pitbull terror, she turn 3 months on June 5th. He is not drinking or eating, lost a lot of weight. She’s been vomitting and little diarrhea(she is not eating so she is not pooping). So I can’t tell how bad the diarrhea is(the one time I did it did not have blood in it). She can not keep her food down. I’ve been giving her water with pedialyte. It seem that her vomitting is occurring more often and closer together in time. Do you think you method will work. I am extremely tight on money and can not afford to go to a vet. Please get back to me, I love my puppy and I don’t want to lose her I’ve already grown really close her.

    • isak says:

      You need to figure out why she is vomiting. Has she eaten something that is stuck? Or has she eaten something that is disagreeing with her? Puppies get into a lot of things.

      What does her vomit look like? Is there anything in it?

      You can try Pepto-Bismol: 1 teaspoon per 5 pounds or 1 tablespoon per 15 pounds every 2 hours. If vomiting does not improve after 3-4 doses, you should see a vet. Some dogs do not take well to Pepto-Bismol due to allergies or blood disorders, so if she seems to get worse after the Pepto-Bismol, stop using it.

      Have you ever de-wormed her? Worms can cause stomach upset. I would start there. You can buy de-wormer from your vet or at a pet supply store.

      You can also try the many tips you see on this post for feeding her.

      It is CRITICAL that you keep her hydrated.

      If you have to give her liquids via an oral syringe, consider how much you are giving her. The average dog needs between half an ounce to one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. If your puppy weighs 20 pounds, for example, she’d need between 10 and 20 ounces of water on a daily basis in order to stay hydrated. This is done throughout the day. It’s easy to give too little and you don’t want to.

      Good luck.

  5. shamaeS says:

    I’ve got a 4months old pup. he doesn’t want to eat his food and drink a very little amount of water. he also has diarrhea but I’ve never seen him vomit though . usually, he likes to run around and play but now he’s very weak and sleeps a lot. it has been 3 days already and I’m really worried. I don’t know what to do because he doesn’t want to eat anything. and i don’t have enough money for the vet medication. please help..

    • isak says:

      Does he have a lot of diarrhea? Have you de-wormed him? It’s common for puppies to have worms and this can cause diarrhea, not wanting to eat, and sleeping. It’s not common for puppies to stay this way for days, so you should de-worm him, especially for tapeworms (they sell de-wormer at most stores where pet food is sold).

      Does he have fleas? They can be really bad at this time of the year and can really bring a puppy down, too.

      Have you tried feeding your pup canned food? Even canned cat food? When one of my dogs does not want to eat their canned food, I can usually get them to eat by offering Friskies Turkey canned food.

      If your pup does not perk up, you need to see a vet. You don’t want to lose the baby.

  6. IdkRick says:

    Hello if you are reading this, here’s what you can do to save your little friend in need, keep in mind this takes time and patience, first things first get and IV where you can do it at home of sodium chloride, this will help when the puppy doesn’t not want to drink anything and vomits it out constantly, it goes right under the skin and the body will absorb it, next what you want is to stop the vomiting, again I forgot to mention ask your doctor what you want, some places end up giving you ridiculous medicines you don’t really need just to squeeze extra cash out of you, I suggest a local vet rather than a branch vet why? Because usually a locally owned vet will be owned by a veterinarian who actually cars about the animals rather then the money, ok so back to our topic here: cerenia perfect for the vomiting, and next amoxi used as a broad spectrum antibiotic, keep in mind parvo is a virus bit bacteria but you still want the puppy to keep fighting other diseases trying to invade, next is the endurosyn, used to help maintain electrolyte levels and maintain energy levels to keep your dog fighting for its life, now lastly vitamin b12 complex for dogs, to help reproduce the red blood cells, and you may see bloody stools we want the dog to keep reproducing its lost blood and red blood cells are good and since the parvo can attack the bone marrow you need to replace the blood quickly! This is what I have used to save my puppies, and as an added bonus, when disinfecting use oxine and virkon, it’s puppy safe and penetrated through cracks to get all those pesky hiding viruses, you can use bleach but it very corrosive especially for puppies paws!

  7. twalter says:

    I just got two shih tsu from a Shelter and they sold me for an emergency this powder project for if a dog or gets Parvo. They said there’s only 3 shelters that carry it with profound results. Here’s their product name Parv-gone. Its expensive $50.00 for a little pac. Which is goog for four times using it www.parvgone.com I bought a pack just to be safe.
    Good luck to those here and for those that have passed for we now have an angel watching over us by name,
    Peace to you and yours,

  8. destinnie says:

    Hey, I am pretty sure my pup has parvo and don’t have the money to take her to the vet for treatment. This happened before and they left me with no choice to put her down. I started your thing, and hope she pulls through she will be 5 months On the 1st. But one thing I was curious about is, what kills the virus? Isn’t it a parasite? I’ve seen the worms come out. I really don’t want to lose her and have an older dog here.. On top of taking care of a baby. She looks soo sad and weak and lost so much weight it came on out of nowhere yesterday morning. And shes usually playful and always eats her food and now she wont. She only would eat grass. Any help advice would be appreciated

    • isak says:

      Parvo is a virus and worms are parasites. It is common for puppies to have worms and, if left untreated, they can cause weight loss and lethargy, as well as stomach upset. That she is eating grass indicates she may have an upset stomach. You did not mention diarrhea and vomiting — effects of parvo, so she may just have a severe infestation of worms.

      If this is the case, treat her for worms with a good wormer and see if she doesn’t perk up.

  9. Jean says:


    My dog got sick on May 13 (last thursday). She had a fever and is weak. As days pass, she vomits and doesn’t want to eat any food. She drinks water very seldom. We force her to take her medicines though it’s so hard b/c sometimes she gets angry. Then days ago, she produced bloody stools. Could it be parvovirus? Now, it’s her fourth day of sickness, she’s not vommiting. She still accepts water (seldom) but not food. She still produce bloody stool 🙁

    What could we do to save her? We don’t have enough money to take her to a vet. Please help us. I want her to survive :'(

    • isak says:

      How old os your dog and what kind is she — small dog, large dog? You say she is vomiting, but not vomiting. I am confused.

      What is the medicine you are trying to give her?

      The most important thing right now is keeping her hydrated. This means giving her water — or even better, something like pedialyte — throughout the day and night. Try to do this every 2 hours. Whether she wants it or not, this is critical. Then read through the post AND THE COMMENTS for ideas on what to feed her. You must try to get nutrition in her also.

  10. Jesse says:

    I adopted a doberman mix (lab) a little more then a month ago. She was 16 weeks at the time of adoption. The rescue that I adopted her from provided me with her vet paperwork which stated that she had 2 parvo vaccines. Never had any signs of being sick. I took her yesterday to the vet and she had her 3rd parvo vaccination. Well today she has loose mucusy stool (yellow/orange). I thought it may be a little bloody in one dropping.

    Idk if its coincidence or if I have really bad luck. Shes been eating normally and has been guzzling the water bowl like normal. She hasnt thrown up and has been playing outside all day. She is acting lazy now but idk of thats because shes worn out.

    I may be freaking out for nothing but I had a dog die of parvo before and dont want to lose this one too.

    • isak says:

      At this point, I would say it is likely related to the vaccine. It can cause loose stools and some laziness as the body works to fight against the virus. Most parvovirus vaccines are “modified-live virus vaccines”. That means that the parvo virus they contain is alive, but has been rendered incapable of causing clinical disease. The purpose of giving a vaccine is to stimulate the pup’s immune system to produce antibodies against the virus. These antibodies persist in the dog’s body, providing immunity to the disease.

      I can certainly understand how you would freak out at the least symptom that might look like parvo.

      Best to you both!

  11. Mary Castel says:

    These testimonials give us hope. Our 2.5 year old dachshund mix was diagnosed with parvo April 21 and since then has been administered liquid through IV a feeding tube and certain medications… We can no longer afford overnight stays but are at loss as to how to continue. Even prior to April 21 he stopped eating and hasn’t taken anything else. Our vet advised not to force feed… But it’ll be almost 6 days with no food. I’m not sure what to do since he can’t keep any food down and regurgitates. Please help!!!!!!! We’ve tried going the hospital route and we haven’t seen the improvement.. What should we do??

    • isak says:

      Did the vet give you meds to control vomiting? Have you tried some of the bland food suggested in this post? You might even try Gerber’s baby food #2 — it’s meat and only meat. Or maybe Friskies cat food — turkey flavor. My dogs will eat that when they won’t eat their dog food.

      If he won’t take the baby food, I would give him some via an oral syringe. Even just a little. Sometimes it seems they think everything will come back up so they don’t eat. Sometimes this will change that thinking.

      Also, is he getting anything to soothe his stomach, like probiotics or plain yogurt? It could be he isn’t eating because the meds are upsetting his stomach.

      Keep working with him and don’t give up. Parvo is a nasty thing, but stay diligent.

      Best to you both.

  12. Aylin Solano says:

    I have a 5 1/2 week old pit bull puppy. She lost her mom when she was about 4 days old & so my “friend” asked me if I could care for her and her brother since he sold the other three the same day the mom was passed. I hear the rest are doing fine and are in good homes. But just a week after I brought the baby girl and boy home they started having yellow diarrhea. They continued with it for 2 1/2 weeks, I didn’t worry about it much because they kept drinking their milk just fine and we’re active and never got dehydrated. I switched them to nurseall formula but they still continued to have diarrhea. I finally decided to take them to the vet just in case maybe they got worms or something since I was giving them goat milk. They said they didn’t have worms and both their parvo tests came back positive. They said they looked healthy and they weren’t dehydrated at all. It might of just been the milk upsetting their stomach and to just let them adjust this new milk. Two weeks pass and her brother finds a home.(keep in mind my so called friend didn’t give me anything even after I showed him the $140 vet bill) The baby girl was very lonely when her brother left and I tried to comfort her the most I could but I had a upcoming camp retreat I couldnt back out of. I left my old sister in charge of feeding her and watching over her. I left Friday morning but before I left I fed her her bottle and she ate fine, I put her too sleep and turned on the heater since she was cold. Friday and saturday pass and I call and everything is fine, she’s eating and playing like her normal self. I call Sunday morning before I was gonna head back home and my sister tells me that she was vomiting up her milk. I didn’t get home that day until around 8pm. I warmed up her milk and tried to feed her but she refused. I let her cuddle with me since she just wanted to be close by me and she slept for a while and I washed her over with warm water, dried her and put her to bed. I put the heater close by. The next morning my sister wakes me up and tells me she’s throwing up again. I call the vet and I drop her off so they can do blood work and fecal tests and maybe get her a little hydrated since she was already very much dehydrated and had lost almost all her wait in less than 24hrs. They gave me like 5 different types of medicines and even a IV to give her fluids. Vet bill came up to $325 was going to be $373 but they had some donated medicine. Her two fecal tests and her blood work came back negative. Her white and red blood cells where low but not completely gone as you would see in parvo. She doesn’t look as sad as yesterday but she is still vomiting & had red in her stool. I feel like the IV is really helping but she just looks so thin and vomits so much. My “friend” wasn’t interested in health only in who he could sell her too. After I asked him if he was going to pay he said no to just bring her to him so he could sell her in at least $200 if anything. I made the best decision for the baby and told him she passed away. All he had to say was “damn that sucks”. After I had hand fed her for more than a month I could not bare to give her to such a person like that. All he ever gave me were $20 to buy the formula and like 3 bags of goat milk after that nothing. Not even the thanks for helping him. Never even bothered to check up on them only when he would come over to my house and would see them sleeping. It breaks my heart to see her so sad and skinny and I cant bare to lose her as I’ve lost 2 puppies and my 13 yr old dog to parvo in the past. I managed to save 2 puppies by doing these home remedys but I want to know if you guys think k they would help this baby girl at her age. I feel like the medicine isn’t doing anything, I know it’s only been like a day but other than her eyes not looking as sad I don’t see any other improvements. Pleasee I’m broke at the moment but if saving my little baby Julie means starving I’ll gladly do it! Other than her vet medicines I’ve been giving her pedialyte.

    • isak says:

      I appreciate your spirit… and so does Julie. The biggest threat from parvo is dehydration. The IV is the best source for liquids because it delivers liquid quickly and easily. Otherwise it takes a lot of syringing to hydrate a dog, even a small puppy. Next, you need to work on getting some food in her. If nothing that has been suggested on this page works, you might try baby food — like Gerber’s #2. It’s meat and nothing else. However, it is probably cheaper to get her to eat something like chicken and rice or hamburger and rice. I am guessing that one of the meds from the vet is for nausea.

      This will take some time. Given her young age, she hasn’t had time to develop her immune system, so her challenge is a bit bigger than a grown dog. But stick with her and I think you two can beat this. You have only mentioned a little blood in her stool and that is a good thing.

      The nicest thing I can say about your friend who had this pup is that he is an irresponsible ass. I have to wonder if the mother dog didn’t die from parvo and that the pups he sold all have parvo, too. He seems to show no regard for the life of these animals other than the $$ he will make selling them. His home is infected with the parvo virus and any new dogs brought into that home will likely contract the virus as well. This fool should not be selling puppies and should not be allowed to even own any animal.

      Good luck to you and Julie. Stick with her. And keep us posted on your progress.

  13. Ashley says:

    2.5mon German shepherd blend, originally weighing at 11.6lbs now 8.0lbs.

    I adopted this lil nugget on 4/9 from a Petsmart adoption event. He originally came from a high kill shelter in CA, and was transferred to All Terrier Shelter here in OR. He was the happiest puppy I’ve ever met on the day I met him, fell in love with him and adopted him. It wasn’t until 2.5 days later that his energy and appetite started to deplete. I then notified the shelter and they offered to keep him under their watch for 24-72hrs. After 24hrs they said he was doing well and that his Parvo test was negative; however, they did not give me any handout saying it was negative or no proof. After my pup was transferred back into my care, he was still low of energy and he hadn’t eaten all night. He was constantly vomiting bile, yellow in color. The shelter had also given me metronidazole and amoxicillin for him, but they had given the medication in a little zip lock baggie with no expiration date and no instructions. Super sketchy don’t you think?

    So, we then visited a vet clinic the following day he was re-tested him for Parvo, results were positive. They had given us a quote for hospital stay which included the medications and procedures. It amounted to $766 for the initial visit (day), and $500 thereafter, note this does not include overnight stay at the hospital. The shelter offered to take him into their care once again, but this time I am unsure if I can trust the shelter since they stated he was negative for Parvo, eating well, activity levels well. However, once he was transferred to my care he had loss a lot of weight, 3lb in 24 hours and was very lethargic.

    Based on your experience with your pup with Parvo, do you think my pup may be Parvo? Should I continue care with this shelter? This blog seems to be helpful on treating dogs with Parvo at home, and you seem very knowledgeable on the treatments. Where can I get IV fluids for him as he is severely dehydrated. The shelter states they have been giving him IV fluids, but his legs haven’t been shaven. Route of treatment they are administering my pup is unclear. Please advise.

    • isak says:

      The in-house fecal “snap test” for parvo is not perfect. It may show a false negative because of the short time of viral shedding in the stool. It can also indicate a false positive if the puppy has been vaccinated in the last 5 to 15 days. That might explain the two different results that you are seeing. You mentioned that your pup was vomiting bile, lethargic and not eating, but you did not mention diarrhea, a very common symptom of parvo.

      Has anyone tested your pup for internal parasites? They are common in young pups and can cause vomiting, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

      Shelters are not like vet clinics where you receive meds in neat packages. As odd as it sounds, they are known to dispense meds from their supplies much like you described. You probably paid a lot less or nothing for the meds distributed that way.

      With any kind of vomiting and/or diarrhea that is accompanied by an animal not replenishing their liquids by drinking water, dehydration is a concern. The fastest way to rehydrate is via IV fluids. This is generally administered subcutaneously (under the skin) through a needle inserted between the shoulder blades, so it would not require shaving. Shaving is done so the vet can find a vein for an intravenous, not subcutaneous, injection. The vet clinic can provide you with a bag of IV fluid and the administration kit (tubing and needles).

      To give subcutaneous fluids, pick up loose skin on the back and pop the needle through, just under the skin. Hang the bag high to speed fluid administration. Pinch the hole shut and rub that area between your fingers as you remove the needle to keep fluids from leaking back out. Fluids will make a bulge under the skin and will be picked up slowly into the circulation. Try to replace the volume of fluid being lost in vomit and diarrhea plus some for maintenance.

      Oral electrolytes help with hydration once vomiting is controlled. Pedialyte is readily available at pharmacies and can be used at a rate of two to four cc’s per pound body weight per hour depending upon the severity of fluid loss from diarrhea and vomiting. Large volumes all at one time will stimulate vomiting. If the puppy vomits immediately after oral fluids, discontinue them until drugs and time have lowered the sensitivity of the stomach.

      If it is in fact parvo, you have to be diligent. Set up a routine for care and stick with it 24/7. This will take some time to overcome, but it’s certainly worth it to save a life.

      Best to you both.

  14. Tagan Bailie says:

    Hi All,

    My two puppies of 8 months old have both successfully recovered from the Parvovirus as of Yesterday the 5th April 2016. Vet care and Home treatment below:

    My mixed Terrior Male got the virus 25 March and started with the foamy white vomit, no eating, lethargic behaviour. Day 3 ,I luckily had him on an IV drip at the vet for one night ( this was necessary as i was too late to self care at home and get the necessary fluids in his body). He came home on day 4 with antibiotic and nausea tablets which i administer twice a day. Day 5 took him back for check up and half an IV drip was inserted straight into his belly, where his “naval” is situated. This is a new method that vets use and the dog doesn’t have to stay over night, the fluid will be released into the abdomen of the dog and slowly be absorbed by the body ( he did seem bloated but it does subside) he had severe diarrhea day 6 there after and went back for one more IV. Day 7 He ate chicken with rice yesterday for the first time. Day 8 He is well, and almost 100%!

    My Female Jack russel, contracted the parvovirus on the 3rd April 2016, i knew what to do this time! i had antibiotics for her that i have already been giving her since the 27th March because if the one dog has it KNOW that the other one will get it ( highly contagious) if not vaccinated. Day 1 and day 2 I was giving her 10ml of pedialite( or re-ydrate mixture for dogs) every 30min for the first 24hours thereafter only every 1 hour or so, with a syringe, slowly pouring it into the side of her mouth 2ml at time! as well as letting drink water by herself when she felt like it. I gave her anti nausea tablets three times a day. NO food was given or force fed to her in the first 24hours as this seems to want to make them vomit, you want to try and keep liquid down first also giving them attention and love helps to relax them and know they will get through it. Day 3 And i can happily say that yesterday the 5th April she ate a bit of chicken and slept a lot. Today she is right as rain and eating!

    If you are going to attempt home treatment, please note that it does require sleepless nights and high stress levels, but if done consistently, ( replacing fluids they lose via vomiting and diarrhea ) you can save your pet! Good Luck to those attempting this. God bless!

    P.S – You know you have won the battle the moment they eat food by themselves.

    • isak says:

      Thanks so much for sharing this! And congrats on your success. It does require diligence, but it’s worth it!

  15. Jaime Mosher says:

    I have a 7 month old German Shepherd about 4 or 5 p.m. on April 4th I noticed he wasn’t eating but throwing up white gel like foam.. He was still drinking water but immediately throwing up within the hour I withheld water like all of the articles online said on April 5th he completely stopped throwing up but now he’s refusing to drink water and he still not eating I’ve been force-feeding Pedialyte he’s very restless not crying or acting like he is in pain but also lethargic at times I have absolutely no money to take him to the vet!! people tell me that it could be parvo but he’s had absolutely no diarrhea just the vomiting!!! Please help!!

    • isak says:

      Given his age, it could be that he ate something you did not see him eat and it is stressing him because he doesn’t understand what’s going on. You might try some tasty food — even canned cat food — to see if he will eat and make sure he has plenty of fresh water available.

      Has he been dewormed? This can cause stomach upset as well. You won’t always see the worms in his stools, but it is common for puppies to have worms.

  16. preet says:

    hi everyone,
    i just got a german shepherd( roughly 40 days old). After reading through the comments, and from what doctors told me, seems my puppy has parvo too. He is my first pet, and he has been given IV fluids in the back for two days now. Along with 6 other medicines. He was fine in the morning but now he has pooped almost 8 times which is not bloody but it’s definitely smelly and looks like yellow mucus. He has not eaten anything, he can’t hold down water either.
    please help me, can i go ahead with raw egg and pepto treatment at hom to save him.
    one IV a day and nothing other than that to keep him hydrated does not seem enough to me.
    Please suggest something and help me. I do not want to loose him, he is only a baby. please.

    • isak says:

      Pooping 8 times could be a result of the liquids and the meds on an empty stomach.

      Not having blood in his bowel movement sounds really good, but having diarrhea and not keeping water down could quickly lead to dehydration, so you want to find a way to get fluids in him. Hydration is the most important thing as without it, organs can begin to fail. The one iv a day could be enough depending on the quantity of liquid he is receiving via that iv. I am guessing that one of the meds he is on is for diarrhea and one is an anti-nausea med.

      Go ahead and start the raw egg and pepto. Some dogs aren’t too keen on raw eggs and some gobble them up. Also try the bland diet — boiled hamburger or boiled chicken and plain rice. You have to be patient and diligent and consistent, even overnight… and don’t give up.

      Maybe he will take some ice chips in place of water? Or maybe some Gatorade?

      Also read through the comments here on this post. People have added tips that have worked for them.

      Good luck and let us know how things go. Our best to your baby boy!

  17. Monica M says:

    Hi. I have a German Shepard puppy that is 4 months old. On Saturday he was looking “depressed” and saw him throw up flem. We brought him inside and just kept an eye on him. Gave him the raw egg and pedialite, then Sunday, he looked good. Playing and being his normal self. Then again, Monday, he was “depressed” again and doesn’t want to eat. He felt hot and tried to bring down fever. His eyes were somewhat red, and he does drink water, but still doesn’t eat. He doesn’t have any diarrhea. he doesn’t vomit when I give him a little bit of water, but he will when he drinks more than he should. Is this parvo? Can they have parvo without diarrhea? Please help. I don’t have money to take him to a vet. I’m really sadden 🙁

    • isak says:

      Given his age, it could be that he ate something when no one was looking and it is not agreeing with him. It could also be worms. Has he been de-wormed yet? It’s really quite common for puppies to have worms. Too many worms in their stomach will make them not want to eat and sometimes to throw up.

      Parvo pretty much dehydrates dogs via serious diarrhea and vomiting. At this point, it could be one of the things I mentioned above, but keep a close eye on him to see if anything changes. You might try a food that smells better than pet food to see if he eats it.

  18. Dr Heena says:

    Thanks for the reply.
    Well, today he tolerated his first bland food which consisted of ground boiled chicken with gravy and he wanted more.
    I can’t say how happy I felt after so many days of him not even looking at water.
    Two of his sibs are dead as I found out yesterday but I am hopeful that he’s gonna make it.Got a tough guy there 🙂
    I stopped ondensetron a couple of days ago and though there’s a bit of retching, there’s no actual vomiting.
    Just waiting for him to get back to his naughty little antics 🙂
    This website helped me immensely. would definitely recommend it to all pet lovers.
    Thanks once again.

    • isak says:

      Your little tough guy was the lucky one in his litter. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of two of his siblings. Parvo is really hard on the young ones because they haven’t had the time to develop their immune systems. So without a diligent human to “stick with it” and not give up, they have even less of a chance to overcome this.

      Good on you and I am so happy to hear that he is starting to rally! Here’s to puppy naughtiness! 🙂

  19. Dr Heena says:

    I am an anaesthesiologist and I bought home a little german shepherd a few weeks ago.
    I barely had time to vaccinate him when he developed parvo, with bloody stools and vomiting.
    I secured an iv line on his forelimb and started him on iv fluids,Taxim (as advised by his vet) ondensetron and metronidazole.
    His bloody stools were gone after 3 days but the vomiting is still there.
    I also gave him a shot of vitamin k, just in case.
    He also recieved iv multivitamins twice.
    My problem is that even after 5 days of aggressive treatment, he still can’t hold down fluids..
    (he takes just sips of water.)
    His vet gave him 10 percent chances of survival, which, somehow I have managed to increase to 70 percent.
    I just wanted to know, how long would it be before I can shift him on proper feeding and when will he stop vomiting?
    I’d also like to know the future line of action.
    This is my first pet.
    Please advise.

    • isak says:

      He’s a very lucky dog to have been adopted by you. Got to wonder how well his siblings have fared and if there are any still alive. Kudos to you. You are doing a wonderful job, especially on your first pet!

      Is he still on the ondensetron and still vomiting? By now, his stomach has probably lost all its good bacteria, so it would be a good idea to give some super strength probiotics and get his gut back in balance. What are you currently feeding him? You want to keep his diet bland until he stabilizes, then slowly move him back to his regular food.

      They say that once a dog survives parvo, they will not get it again. It’s such a terrible disease, I hope so. However, getting him vaccinated against parvo is a good line of defense.

  20. Sergio says:

    I recently got a Doberman puppy about 2 weeks ago and he is now 3 months old. 3 days ago everything was perfectly normal. The next morning he didn’t eat his food right away like he normally does when I serve him. Eventually he did but later on her through up all over the place. He stopped and did not throw up again for the rest of the day so I thought he got better but today he started having diarrhea and usually has blood. A few times the poop has looked normal with solid pieces but still a bit of blood.

    He eats now when I feed him and drinks alot every few hours but I can’t say if he’s improving. He’s a bit lethargic, sometimes playful and running. He sleeps for most of the day though.

    Would these symptoms be signs of Parvo?

    • isak says:

      It’s hard to say, but generally if it is parvo, a puppy will become noticeably and quickly worse as it affects a puppy’s immune system. Puppies being puppies, they can easily get into things that you may not know and most everything they find ends up in their mouths and often swallowed. It could be that he ate something that he should not have.

      It could also be that he needs to be de-wormed. Has he been de-wormed yet? It’s quite common for puppies to have worms.

      Keep an eye on him and if she gets worse, have your vet check her out.

  21. Mrs.Valentine says:

    I have two pitt bulls bout four months havent been a month since i had them guy said they had all shots both dogs arent eating or drinking loss weight throwing up i thought they had worm went got medicine but havent got better i think they have parvo

    • isak says:

      Are you seeing any diarrhea? How long have they not been eating or drinking? My suggestion would be to have them checked by a vet as it might not be parvo or, if it is, perhaps you have caught it early and some of the recommendations in this post will help.

      If you have had them for a month before this problem started, maybe they ate something they should not have.

      Either way, vomiting and not drinking will quickly dehydrate them… and that will become a serious problem.

  22. Sondra says:

    My pit bull had 9 puppies on Jan 15th 2016, today they are 34 days old, 1 in particular I call eeyore because he looks so sad from day one, but noticed the past couple days hes not eating much,hes moping around after a bit of persuasion i got him to drink some milk he hasn’t stopped eating all together ive convinced him to have a bite or so of scrambled eggs, hes only been acting this way for about a day but today when he drank the milk which was a relief to me to see him drink after trying several different things he wouldnt even nurse from mom.. all the other puppies seem to be fine hes the only one sick as of yet, he doesn’t have diarrhea but he did have blood in his stool, and it looked like he was struggling to go, right after he finally did he vomited up most of the milk i had given him. Seeing the blood in the poo, and him vomiting, plus the lethargy I assumed it may be parvo, hes to young still to vaccinate but i read that colloidal silver can cure them after close monitoring and making sure they get enough, i’m afraid its to late for exposure as all the puppies have been together cause there still so young. Any advice will help.. I’m just curious as to why it would show up now and only in 1 puppy, no new dogs and none of them have ever even been outside yet, plus hes the runt of the litter so if it came from mom i would assume the others would be sick before an moreso then him? I’m confused and not sure what else it could be aside from parvo.

    • isak says:

      Perhaps he has worms. Intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms are common among young puppies and kittens. This growth phase of their life is when they are most susceptible. You can:

      • Deworm puppies and kittens at 2, 4, 6, & 8 weeks of age, then again at 12 & 16 weeks of age.
      • Deworm again at 6 months and 1 year.
      • Then deworm as an adult.

      A good product is Panacur C Canine Dewormer. It treats and controls roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms in dogs and puppies.

  23. beowolf says:

    gatorade and powerade can also be used instead of water

  24. Tori says:

    My 2 1/2 month old walker pup was in contact with the virus from a little older pup I have. He’s cured of parvo but the vet gave me the 8 in one shot to give to her even after I told her she was around him a lot. Do you think giving her that shot was a bad idea? I say this bc she spent the weekend in the vets office they said she had parvo but she was eating and drinking but when I got her home she wasn’t and wouldn’t for me. I’m up all night making sure she’s getting her fluids and raw eggs but she is dehydrating even with the fluids pepto and raw eggs. I’m at a loss she acts fine at times (with no drinking or eating on her own) then she acts like she’s about to die which I really don’t want to lose her. Any help wounding be greatly appreciated!

    • isak says:

      Giving a dog a vaccination for parvo when she has parvo will not make parvo go away. It prevents parvo in the future. Maybe the vet vaccinated her because she was scheduled for her puppy shots?

      Vaccinations usually include “live” viruses. The body has to fight them off just as your body fights off a flu virus. This builds up the dog’s immune system. On a good day, this fight against the “live” virus can cause a dog to not feel well. So it’s hard to say if you are seeing her not feel well because of parvo or the vaccination. It can take 2-3 days for a dog to get past the malaise from a vaccination.

      If you see that she is dehydrating, your vet can give her fluids under her skin. Some vets will show you how to do it and you can do it at home.

      Is she vomiting? If not, give her pedialyte with an oral syringe. The amount depends on the size of your dog, but think about how much or how little an oral syringe holds. If it’s a 6cc or 6ml syringe, fill it with plain water, then empty that into a bowl. See how little that is? Compare it to what she normally drinks and dose her accordingly. Give her fluids and food regularly. If the raw eggs are not staying down, try one of the other options listed on this post.

      Parvo is tough on the young ones because of their untested immune system, so you have to keep after it for several days. But don’t mess around with her hydration — make sure she is getting plenty of liquids.

      Best to you both.

  25. Michele says:

    I have a 2 1/2 year old male Yorkie I think has parvo. I can not afford a vet bill at this moment. What can I do for him at home?

    • isak says:

      Why do you think your dog has parvo? You did not mention his symptoms. Has he been away from the house/yard somewhere where he might have picked it up? It can take 3-10 days for symptoms to appear. If he doesn’t leave the house/yard and there have been no new dogs in his space, perhaps — and hopefully — it is something else.

      The most important thing about combating parvo is keeping your dog hydrated. If he is vomiting and has diarrhea, then he is losing hydration so you must replenish it. Then you want to get nutrition into him so he can fight the virus. Read through the comments posted on this page to see what people have tried and what has worked for them. Pick one and stick with it for a couple days before deciding that it isn’t working. After that, if you still think it is not working, pick another one and stick with that one for a couple days. Changing things too quickly can also cause confusing signs, so go slowly.

      If he has parvo, you must be vigilant and consistent, even hydrating him through the night. Best to you both.

  26. jesse says:

    I have a 10 week puppy and she has not had her second shots due to money issues i gave her a raw egg with shell with her dog food cause she would not eat it she ate the hole thing even took her for her walk and around 9 pm or so she started vomiting she does not have diarrhea she jst been vomiting and been real down what can i do i already called the vet but i have no money please help me

    • isak says:

      Given her young age, is it possible that she ate something you did not see and it is giving her an upset stomach? Has she been dewormed? These can cause vomiting.

      You feed her eggs shells? Were the shells crushed to an almost powder consistency? Otherwise they could be hard for her to digest.

      You can give her some plain yogurt to add good bacteria to her gut.

      If she vomits once but is eating, drinking, happy and acting totally normal, it’s PROBABLY OK to watch it for a day. Keep the next meal bland; just some white rice and boiled chicken. It’s always better to err on the side of caution though and run it by your vet.

      Puppies dehydrate quickly, especially when vomiting/diarrhea are greater than their water consumption.

  27. Amanda says:

    My has been at the vet for 3 days and today he was diagnosed with parvo but has a negative test not sure it is parvo only had diarrhea once this morning they said I’m just lost what to do?

    • isak says:

      Did they run a parvo test 3 days ago that indicated he had parvo? Or was the test today the first test? I can understand why you are confused. I am, too.

      Sounds like whatever was bothering him is coming under control. The biggest issue with parvo is dehydration. If he is not vomiting and his diarrhea is getting under control, perhaps he can come home.

  28. Michele says:


    My 2-month-old husky was just diagnosed with parvo and it is killing me inside because I instantly became attached to him. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford the $4,000 the emergency room estimated me to stay in the hospital. I was just wondering if there is any way I can mix your home remedies of using the eggs, peptobismol, etc and the tamiflu? I am so desperate to save my puppy.

    • isak says:

      I am so sorry to hear your news. I’m sure you are attached. How could you not be?

      The first thing is to not give up. You need to be vigilant and consistent 24/7 with your treatments. The most important thing to do is keep your pup hydrated. Give him liquids every couple hours 24 hours a day. Buy a large oral syringe if he will not drink on his own so you can be sure he is getting liquids. Vomiting and diarrhea delete his hydration. Then you want to address his vomiting. Did the emergency room provide him any meds to help stop his impulse to vomit? If not, ask them if they will. Then find an option from this page to try. Stick with it. Don’t keep changing it up. The consistency is important, too. Parvo is pretty hard on pups because their immune system is still developing, so you need to work with him around the clock. It may take a few days or even a week to work through this, so don’t give up on him.

      Also clean your house as described to rid it of the virus. Best to you and your handsome little boy.

  29. Tonys says:

    Thank you.

  30. Tami Ebersole says:

    I just purchased a boxer puppy almost a week ago. The breeder gave him his 6 week shots. One the third day of him being with our family he started having diarrhea sometimes it has blood and sometimes it has mucous. I went ahead and wormed him again. There has been no signs of worms in poop. I would like to hear your suggestions of what it could be. I had one friend say that it could be parvo. He eats, drinks, and plays fine.

    • isak says:

      It sounds like it might be a reaction to the shots. It’s not uncommon to sometimes see a little blood in the diarrhea, though if it persists and/or increases, you should take him to the vet. The mucous naturally occurs in the gut; it protects the wall of the stomach from the stomach acids, so seeing it occasionally isn’t alarming so long as it does not keep happening. If he is eating, drinking and playful, I think it might just be a reaction to the shots — they usually contain an “active” virus that the pup’s body must fight off like our bodies do when we get a cold or the flu.

      For his diarrhea, you can make him a mixture of plain pumpkin and plain yogurt to firm up his stools:

      2 tablespoons plain live cultured yogurt
      1/4 can canned pureed pumpkin, no additives

      And monitor him. If he doesn’t improve, take him to your vet.

  31. songhye kyo says:

    Its not effective . My baby puppy passed away .

    • isak says:

      I am so sorry. Parvo is very hard on puppies. Their immune system is not fully developed yet making it hard for them to fight back against this terrible virus.

      Be sure to thoroughly clean your house and your yard before you bring another puppy into it. Exactly how long the virus survives depends on many factors – temperature, humidity levels, sunlight, etc. Parvo commonly survives for 5-7 months in an outside environment. It should be noted that freezing temperatures are protective for this virus; cold temperatures won’t kill parvo.

      The mainstay for parvo disinfection for the environment is to use a diluted bleach solution on cleanable surfaces (never on an animal!). The type of bleach varies the mix, but a general rule of thumb is: 1 part bleach to 30 parts water.

      Washable surfaces may be cleaned with a dilute bleach solution (test small area of the item first). Washing with large amounts of water may help “dilute” the virus from areas such as lawns. For furniture, carpets and other difficult-to-disinfect areas in the home, waiting 4-6 weeks may be sufficient time for the virus to die off before introducing another puppy.

      Again my heartfelt apologies for your loss.

  32. juanita says:

    We have an 8 weeks old pit mix and the poor baby is lethargic and throws up everything we have given it. However no diarrhea could it be parvo with no diarrhea????

    • isak says:

      Given the young age, the baby could have eaten something that is really disagreeing with him/her. It may not even be parvo if you don’t have the diarrhea, too. You could try some pepto-bismol — 1/2-1 tsp per 5 lb. Some people swear by Ginger Snap cookies, too.

  33. Shauntell says:

    I got a puppy about a week ago named him Ivan and got his shots around 3pm 12/8/15 and as soon as we left he started throwing up.
    I thought he just wasnt feeling good from the shots and by midnight i brought him to the emergency vet 12/9/15
    They tested him for parvo and it came back positive. Only one light blue dot (if that says anything)
    They gave me two options, one to be hospitalized and they treat him. Or i treat him at home.
    I didnt feel comfortable with how they kept saying the chances of survival even with being hospitalized is a very veey low chance. They gave him a fluid pouch in his side, some 24 hr nausea medicine, and some other stuff.
    They gave me “metronidazole suspension 100mg/ml”
    .3 ml every 12 hrs for 7 days and “reglan solution 10Cc” .5 every 8 hours for 3-5days.
    I have been giving him raw eggs, pedailyte, and childrens pepto. The first day(12/9/15)he was just sleeping alot. I did alot of praying and stayed up all night looking after him making sure he was okay. The next morning i gave the meds as directed and from looking on here i read to give the eggs, pedailyte and pepto.
    All day yesterday (12/10/15) he was very active running around, playing, chasing my feet, no throwing up (he had diarrhea 3 times since the hospital)
    Around 3am he threw up, i gave him more pedailyte etc.. today he is not really holding much down..
    Its only 8am but i just want to make sure im doing the right things.
    Is there anything else i can give him to stop the throwing up?
    I broke the childrens pepto in half grinded it up and put it in a medicine cup with pedailyte and give him that every few hours throught the day.
    Just a half of a pepto pill a day.

    I dont have a kennel to lock him up in but he stayes in his bed(most of the day) that i keep close to me where ever im at. Is it bad that i let him run around yesterday? Keeping the house cleaned and every time he poops on his poty pad i poor bleach in it and throw it away. Ive gave him a bath wed and just been using wipes to clean him up since. He seemed so much better yesterday than today. :'( any suggestions are very appreciated
    Thank you guys so much.
    -Shauntell D

    • isak says:

      Great name!

      Parvo is harder on puppies because their immune system is not up to speed yet. It will take several days to make a dent in it, so I suggest you keep doing what you are doing and do it on a regular schedule which includes overnight care as well as it sounds like you are doing. It would be better if you could limit his activity.

      Vets sometimes prescribe anti-vomiting medications that will suppress the urge to vomit. Check with your vet for those.

      Good luck and our best to you & Ivan!

  34. Dayday says:

    It forcing fluid down him he is 5.4 pounds every hour with egg but he is still laying around. He does become active when given pedialyte. Is he going to be OK is there anything else I can do.

    • isak says:

      It will take some time — several days — before you see a difference. The most important thing is to keep him hydrated. Force the pedialyte down him every couple hours — even through the night — until he takes it himself. The second most important thing is then getting some nutrition in him. It will be a slow process, so be diligent, keep on a regular schedule and don’t give up.

  35. Dayday says:

    I have a miniature yorkie. Tested positive for parvo. He is very week not eating and have to force liquids down him. Is he going to be OK. What else can I do.

  36. Kayla Conn says:

    My 6 week old puppy has parvovirus. I’ve been giving him pedialyte religiously and egg whites and yogart mixed. I found some human flagyl 500mg. How much would I give him in a single dosage? My friend 4 month old pup got parvo and they prescribed flagyl to her of course for canines 10mg. Please help. Just need a dosage.

    • isak says:

      You didn’t say how much your puppy weighs. The usual dose is 3mg-23mg/pound of your pet’s body weight, by mouth, 1 to 4 times a day

  37. shiela says:


    just wanna ask about whats happening to my puppies. I have 3 now and they r 1 month and 18 days old. Their shaking, body paralysis ( both front feet and they cant raised their heads and bloated tummy. Their stool sometimes it color yellow ( watery with blood) sometimes its black, but most of the time sticky blood stool and their losing a lot of weight. And they have white colored tick.

    My question is, is this genetic? or that the mama dog is a carrier? Bcoz this is already her 3rd puppy batch and suffered the same symptoms with her previous puppies.

    • isak says:

      I honestly don’t know what you are seeing, especially since you say this is recurring. The momma dog needs to see a vet and should be spayed.

      Is the momma dog current on her vaccinations and has she been dewormed? Have the puppies been dewormed? The bloated stomachs sounds like worms which in a severe case can cause bloody stools and a decline in health. The shaking suggests it is getting quite serious. You should deworm puppies at 2, 4, 6, & 8 weeks of age, then again at 12 & 16 weeks of age. Deworm again at 6 months and 1 year. Then deworm them as an adult. Also deworm the momma dog.

      Your puppies may well be infected with roundworms from the time they are born because often the mother passes the worms to the puppy while it is still in her body. Roundworms can also develop in a puppy after it is born when the puppy eats larvated eggs from the environment or drinks worm larvae (young worms) in the mother’s milk.

      Ticks tend to look white when they become full of blood. These can cause health issues as well.

      Between the ticks and the worms, the babies are getting robbed of their necessary nutrition to survive. They are fighting an uphill battle and it sounds like you need to take action quickly. Deworm the babies and their mom, make sure they do not have fleas and ticks on them, keep them all in a warm, clean place with access to plenty of clean water and good quality food. It is important that you take care of the momma dog as she is providing the nutrition her babies need right now and it does not sound like she is providing it.

      It suggest that you bottle feed the babies with puppy formula for the next couple weeks to be sure they are not getting worm-infected milk from the mother. Once momma is dewormed, you can let her nurse them.

      This is serious and you need to act quickly to save these babies.

  38. Julia says:

    Have a female pup, maybe 5mths old. We found her about a mth ago,haven’t given any shots, she just started vomiting day before yesterday. First her food, then just white foam. Slept on it, seemed ok yesterday, but not really eating. Today vomited again white clear.Now is laying around, not much energy and not eating at all. We started her on pedialyte and colloidal silver. Idk what to do for her…sny suggestions

    • isak says:

      You might give her some pepto-bismolto coat her stomach, then add some plain yogurt or break open an acidopyllus capsule (sold where vitamins are sold) into her food to add some good bacteria back into her gut. Given her age, she may have found something to eat that she shouldn’t have when no one was looking.

  39. Alex says:

    My 6 to 7 week old lab pup got her first shots from the breeder Monday afternoon . I picked up some litter mates on Monday evening as well, they are fine. I picked her and her brother up Thursday. Only she is sick. Her temp is exactly 100 degrees. She can’t keep down any fluids. I’m giving her rice that I boiled with chicken broth half an hour after I give her half a pepto pill and she can keep that down, unless I give her any fluids with it. Her poop is not diarrhea. It’s black and tarry. She also has a gooey cough. Another shot that they got was bordetella, but that was about 1 1/2 weeks ago. The breeder didn’t notice anything was wrong with her. It’s the weekend, and I don’t want to take her into emergency room vet if I don’t to. Any ideas what this is or suggestions on what I should do? I’ll take her if you think she needs it!



    • isak says:

      Her temperature is a tad low. It’s generally 101-102.5. The vomiting could be a reaction to the vaccination. However, you should watch her poop. Black and tarry can indicate bleeding in her digestive tract. The rice and chicken broth is a good idea.

      I’m not sure what you mean by a gooey cough.

      Try to keep her someplace quiet. She may not want to be completely alone. In that case, maybe she will be okay in a kennel crate near her litter mates? Keep an eye on her poop to see if it begins to return to normal and see if she will take some liquids, maybe even a bit of crushed up (small pieces) ice.

      It’s fairly common for puppies to feel a bit off after vaccinations and this occurs because the young body has just had a highly immune-reactive, live virus injected into it. Her body is trying to fight this virus. This could last 2-3 days. However, if she doesn’t seem to improve or her poop continues to be black and tarry, you should get her checked out.

  40. Lacy says:

    I have a little over 4 month old puppy, he’s lacking energy, losing weight and not eating but he’s drinking fine. His poop isn’t bloody. He had white chunks in his poop, and it’s diarrhea. His Temperature is 102.7 F .
    We just gave him a ‘Spectra 10’ Shot which includes the Parvo vaccine in it, and we’re starting him on pedialite. I’m stuck between the Parvo virus and the sign of Worms, the only difference is there is no cough. Any help?

    Also, We couldn’t find any CLEAR pedialite and got a orange kind instead, will it still have the same benefits ? And instead of hamburger can i heat up/boil some canned chicken and mix that with some rice and feed it to him?

    • isak says:

      How was he before the shot? Maybe he is reacting to it? This general malaise after vaccination is fairly common and occurs because the young body has just had a highly immune-reactive, live virus injected into it (along with other reactive additives, called adjuvants, which enhance the immune response). His body is busily trying to fight this off. As occurs with any infection that the body is fighting (think of yourself with the flu), it is not uncommon for puppies to feel off-colour and lethargic, go off their food and even get a fever following immunization. This could go on for 2-3 days.

      Separately, if he is drinking but not eating is it possible he got into something when you weren’t looking (as puppies do)? Maybe that’s what the white chunks were? Any idea what the white chunks are? Soft or hard? Could one still be stuck inside him?

      The orange pedialyte is fine. Some dogs aren’t especially keen on orange flavor, but if you have any problems with it, you can give it to him via an oral syringe. If the canned chicken is cooked, there is no need to boil it. You might rinse it off to remove any excess grease so that what he finally gets is as bland as possible.

  41. Madison says:

    I’m currently fostering a puppy who was fine the first day but they think his vaccinations he got the day he came to us may have sparked parvo because now he tests positive for it. The vet sent him home for treatment and has him taking 1 enrofloxacin once daily and 2 cc of flagyl once daily. He just started pooping blood and I’ve heard that’s a good and is the parvo passing. Is that true or does he need to go back to the vet?

    • isak says:

      Pooping blood can a symptom of parvo. Are his poops solid vs diarrhea? I think it would be good to call the vet clinic, update them on this change and get their input. Parvo can be pretty tough on puppies, so while you are ahead of the curve on his treatment, I think getting their input would be valuable.

      A dog can be exposed to parvo and not show any symptoms for 3-10 days.

  42. Ella Andora says:

    Hi may I ask what do you recommend for my dog. Medicines??

    • isak says:

      Recommend for what? Parvo? If so, my best recommendation is to have you read through the post and the comments to see what has worked for people. The most important thing is keeping your dog hydrated, then working on the diarrhea and vomiting and getting food into your dog. This will take time and constant attention from you for a few days, but don’t give up.

  43. Kyle says:

    My dog was saved from these helpful tips. Pedialite,pepsid Ac, baby tylonal and baby food. Thank you all for giving me hope. I spent 36 hrs straight pumping fluids in my dog. It’s hard d but not impossible.

  44. Itzel says:

    Hey I need help! So my 4month old puppies ate some others dog poop yesturday! (I didn’t even know about it til my baby brother told me today). Today I noticed a weird smell in his poop . Is this a sign of parvo ??? I don’t have the money right now to take him to the vet ! Last time I went they charged me like 300 dollars on just one visit

  45. Traylor says:

    When she was having seizure her face was twiching and her legs were shaking and her mouth looked like she was chattering

  46. Traylor says:

    The seizures only last a minute and she grindes her teeth i gave her a drop of baby tylenol and some tuna and oil…but before that she was trying to get up and move so i hope it i caught what ever it before she gets worse…and vets around wont help me since i aint got hundreds of dollars

  47. Stefannie says:

    Hi i lost my baby girl yorkie today due to Parvo, she was 7 months. i have my boy who also 7 months and 4 punds im so scared to loose him too he have not show any sign or symptoms. Any help or advised please.


    • isak says:

      Keep a close eye on him. They can contract the virus several days before showing any symptoms. Hydration is the biggest issue. Have your vet test him for parvo and perhaps he can prescribed drugs that will help.

      You also need to clean your house and yard thoroughly as this is an extremely hardy virus. It resists most household cleaners. The best disinfectant is Clorox (one part bleach to 30 parts water).

  48. Traylor says:

    I have to puppies one is full blooded chihuwu or how ever you spell it and the other half shitsu and chihuwu and the mixed one was throwing up light brown stuff and had dark drown diarrhea but hes fine now but my full blooded is not she has diarrhea and i think shes having siezers

    • isak says:

      Seizures? Why do you think she’s having a seizure? What did she do?

      Monitor her through the night. Write down when they occur and how long they last. Then contact your vet in the morning. If it’s seizures, there are meds that can help. I’ve even heard that pet cannabis can help.

      If she has a seizure that lasts more than a few minutes, you should go to an emergency clinic. Seizures are very physically exhausting to a dog and can cause serious problems if they don’t pass in a few minutes.

  49. devon says:

    My puppy is 1 and a half n he’d had all his shots but I think he has parvo no vomiting just bloody diarrhea I gave him amoxcillon way else can I do

    • isak says:

      Is he eating? Is he drinking water? How’s he acting? Any vomiting?

      Keeping him hydrated is the most important thing. You may give him some plain yogurt or powdered acidophyllus to soothe his stomach.

  50. Crystal says:

    I just got an 8 week old French poodle 3 days ago when I bought him the breeder gave him his first parvo shot. I brought him straight home and he was fine until the evening he started to vomit about twice the first night, then started loosing his appetite. The next morning I woke up and took him to the vet she gave me amoxicillin to control the vomiting, I’ve been giving him the recommended dose and keeping him hydrated with a syringe with water but he’s still very limp has visited 3 more times but very light soft stool. What do you recommend?

    • isak says:

      What you are seeing may be a reaction to the parvo shot. It can cause a loss of appetite and soft, light-colored stool as well as make him lethargic. I’m not sure why the vet administered amoxicillin, an antibiotic, because that, too, can cause stomach upset.

      I think you are doing the right thing keeping him hydrated. You could try some baby food — Gerber makes a 2nd level chicken which has NO ONIONS in it — and mix some plain yogurt in it or stir in some acidopyllus (comes in capsules and sold where vitamins are sold). The yogurt/acidophyllus puts good bacteria back into the digestive system and will help his stools.

      Congrats on your new baby and best to you both.

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