Brindi is home!

July 9, 2010

  FREE AT LAST! Word is slowly making its way across the universe…. Brindi has been released and is finally home again! After 715 days. Specifically, the message on Facebook reads like this: I am THRILLED to report to you that in an unexpected development, I learned this morning that the judge’s assistant told HRM’s […]

Saving Brindi: My baby girl

April 4, 2010

“It’s common among animal lovers to think of themselves and others as parents to their pets. I don’t have children; [but] I do call Brindi my baby girl… most of the time, I think of my animals as companions and adults in their own right. Brindi was already four when I adopted her and after a period of clingy-ness she soon gained confidence to become who she is… “

Saving Brindi: “……until she is back home”

April 2, 2010

All I know is, I love my dog, Brindi, more than anybody on the planet. There is nobody who will take better care of her or work harder to keep her safe and sound, with all the necessary aids and precautions.

Day 13. What to do with myself?

March 9, 2010

Every morning for two weeks, I have jumped on the computer first thing to see what needs to be done to roll out the message for the day’s campaign. It gets written, translated, passed along the appropriate paths, messaged, posted, tweeted… a process of some hours and certainly a tad more complicated that just suggested.

Day 11. True Justice

March 7, 2010

The judge will take a decision on Brindi’s life on Tuesday, March 9 at 9.30 hrs. It is our firm belief that the only decision that will serve true justice is the sparing of Brindi’s life and her return to Francesca Rogier.

Day 10. City of Halifax red-faced on tape

March 6, 2010

Here you will hear the conversation between one of the members of Let’s Adopt! (South Africa), calling from Johannesburg and Miss Mary Ellen Donovan, Legal Advisor to Mayor Peter Kelly of the city of Halifax. This will help you understand the problems Brindi and Francesca Rogier have been suffering during the last 19 months.

Day 9. Brindi. The Naked Truth

March 5, 2010

In five days, Brindi’s owner will go before the judge for sentencing in her case. The city of Halifax wants to euthanize Brindi, having found Francesca Rogier guilty in early February, 2010 of owning a dog that: ran at large, was not muzzled and attacked another dog (along her property line).

Day 7. Brindi: A wrong proposition

March 3, 2010

You make a mistake, it is you who should pay. It is never the animal, it is the human, who makes things go wrong. The payment should be in proportion to the crime.

Day 3: The words of a child

February 27, 2010

Brindi and Francesca

Let’s get real…

Does this looks like an irresponsible owner to you?

Does this look like a couple that deserves to be separated?

Does this looks to you like a dog that deserves to DIE????

Please CALL Mayor Peter J. Kelly, Mayor of Halifax on ph: 902-490-4010 or if you are abroad please email and express your deepest inner feelings regarding this case.

Maybe this time…?

February 4, 2010

I spoke with Francesca yesterday after a full final day of court and heard something in her voice that I have never heard before. There was an optimism coming from inside her. Not a perfunctory optimism, but one that seemed to be coming straight from her heart. It simply brought me to tears.

The Journey for a Life(time)

January 27, 2010

I have made this journey with Francesca since April, 2008. I have walked behind her, beside her, in front of her, anytime of the day or night, through smiles and through tears. I have read it all and heard it all. I have sought my own answers.

The Grinch Who Stole Brindi’s Xmas

December 12, 2009

The Nova Scotia SPCA has cancelled all visits for Brindi by her owner Francesca Rogier, who is currently involved in a provincial court battle to have her dog returned to her after she was seized by Animal Control in July 2008 and scheduled to be put down for incidents involving other dogs.

364 Days: And Still Brindi Remains Impounded in Halifax

July 22, 2009

Here’s the latest news regarding the ongoing injustice that seems to remain heaped upon an outspoken dog owner, Francesca Rogier, and her impounded dog, Brindi. Let’s Free Brindi!

Can you help FREE Brindi?

June 29, 2009

Do you have any items you would donate to help raise funds to defray the legal costs of getting Brindi released from the SPCA in Nova Scotia? She was seized by authorities and impounded in July 2008.